Three very different schools...

<p>I would like to major in biology with future intentions of going to medschool afterward but still not 100% sure; some actual experience would help. It is unlikely that I will be in debt for undergrad education but medschool or any professional grad school is expensive so I already expect to have debt from that. I’m down to three schools, and I keep jumping from one to the other; the problem is that they’re sooo different. The candidates:</p>

<li><p>University of Rochester: costs about 40k/year after most costs and scholarships taken into account; felt comfortable here; love the curriculum flexibility; extra fifth year tuition free is cool; tons of research/intern opportunities; super music facilities; a little afraid of being “weeded out” of pre-med track</p></li>
<li><p>Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: final cost is about 30k/year; felt comfortable here; curriculum seems very rigid (little wiggle room); tons of research/intern opportunities; seems to be mostly an engineering school…not sure how that will impact other studies; very good at getting students careers; some concern about scaled grades</p></li>
<li><p>Elon: final cost about 20k/year; not as comfortable here; unsure about curriculum; “experiential learning” opportunities; small classes; very nice facilities; cadaver lab; honors</p></li>
<li><p>I also considered Lehigh (high total cost), Colgate (high total cost), Allegheny and Northeastern too but removed from final list for various reasons. If someone wants to make a strong argument for them though feel free. </p></li>

<p>I like schools 1 & 2 better than 3, but 3 is awfully cheap, and more leftover money would be nice for professional school later on :s. So I’m a bit torn. Sorry for the essay ;), just wanted to get a few other opinions before I send in a deposit and happily exit the college selection process once and for all. Thank you!!!</p>

<p>I think that you are going to find it easier to get a high GPA at Elon, which is important for med school. Is it RPI or RIT that just did away with most of its language dept staffing? I’d think that Rochester would offer you the broadest and deepest intellectual stimulation.</p>

<p>What is it that you don’t like about Elon? I know 4 kids who have gone there recently. Three boys, decent students, athletic, guys that I’m told are of a type called “bros,” apparently all like it. The 4th, a person of minority race and religion, had a hard time with the social scene and ultimately decided to leave.</p>

<p>Elon is a good school. GO!</p>

<p>All of the students who I know that attended Elon or go there now seem very happy and Elon is ranked highly on some positive lists (best value, nicest campus, etc.). I guess one of my major concerns is that Elon might be a little <em>too</em> athletic/partyish for me; I’m more involved with music than sports…though with a good football program that generally means good pep/marching band opportunities. There are also about 1000 more females than males on campus atm which is not overly favorable :p. I’d rather have the gender ratio more equal or favoring the other side heh. But I guess that’s typical of many liberal arts schools and not too important. </p>

<p>I really do like Rochester but I am a teensy bit scared of their science/pre-med track and such a steep scale. I’m prepared to work hard but at some schools hard work just isn’t quite enough to get through…</p>

<p>Thanks! If I could make up my mind tonight I’ll do a happy dance. :)</p>

<p>Drop RPI from consideration; for the same cons (rigor), Rochester will offer you a much more well-rounded intellectual experience. So then it comes down to 40k Rochester vs. 20k Elon… only you can decide.</p>

<p>My mind is still going in circles :S. Starting to lean toward Elon now lol. Then five minutes later leaning toward Rochester…</p>

<p>I know Elon is “up and coming” but is it still recognized favorably by good grad schools and med schools? </p>

<p>To any others reading this, I guess I’d ask your opinion on what you’d do?</p>

<p>Any last minute thoughts?</p>

<p>i say rpi
because it seems like a challenging, stimulating environment
and the m/f ratio is favorable </p>

<p>but it’s the only one of the three with which i have experience
so don’t listen to me</p>

<p>The cost difference at Elon is very compelling. When you visited Elon did you feel like you would fit in? Don’t let the experimental learning concern you it is a real plus. Elon has risen in recognition and if this continues it will help you with grad school. Does climate matter to you if so Elon claerly is located in a much milder climate with a beautiful campus. </p>

<p>Remenber there is no wrong decision so use your head and consider the facts but in the end factor in your heart is telling you.</p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>Thank you ;). Now I’m re-thinking colgate…oi, only got a few hours to make up my mind and get that deposit in lol. At this rate I might end up sleeping outside wherever I go…no dorm for me :p.</p>

<p>For a difference of $20K per year I’d go to Elon, especially if paying for med school is in your future. And it may be easier to stand out, academically, if you are on top of the heap.</p>

<p>How’s the $$ at Colgate?</p>

<p>Colgate is a whopping 50k/year :s. They don’t give out merit scholarships. And of course that’s just for this year…might be around 55k/year by the time I graduate eek. It really is a nice school though…The location is beautiful, and students all rave about how good the faculty is. But overall its 120k more than say, Elon…:O</p>

<p>I’m just a little worried that if I went to Elon, medical schools might not be familiar with it…and there are rumors of grade inflation. So even getting an A may not be all that great :S. </p>

<p>I think more than anything I’m just driving myself crazier :p. I’d loooove to go with my gut, but it is very indecisive. Few more hours left to decide…</p>

<p>I still say Elon but if you are going to blow that kind of money on Colgate do yourself a favor and just go to Rochester.</p>

<p>SkyPilot. My advice to you with all tough decisions in life is to GO WITH YOUR GUT, if you don’t you will always ask yourself- what if??? The pain of regret is far worse than any other form of pain.</p>

<p>Don’t stress any longer just go with your gut. remember if it doesn’t work out you can always transfer.</p>

<p>Good Luck!!!</p>

<p>As long as you put in the effort you will receive a good education and have grad school opportunities. Try to channel yourself 10 years from now. Would your 10-year-from-now-self be okay with the extra $80,000 of debt? If so, go to Rochester. If not, go to Elon.</p>