Throw Your Cr Passage Tactics Here

<p>So, I should just go with the blue book (official guide) and ironically i end up with 4 wrongs when doing a passage from from barron (13Question) while i end up getting 6 wrongs when i do from official book. What Does this mean?</p>

<p>Is there another strategy for doing good with Official Practice question.</p>

<p>ANd more question about answering passage based questions.</p>

<p>The first question is referring to line 18 and the next one is not referring to any lines but again there is this next question that refers to line 30. Does this mean i should look for the answer between lines 18 AND LINE 30 for the question that is not referring to any line.</p>

<p>And one more question is there a way to know wrong answer>>>
like the ones with extreme wording></p>

<p>And one more question is there a way to know wrong answer>>>
like the ones with extreme wording></p>

<p>hey at least give your views</p>