My reach schools are Georgetown, Princeton, Penn, Columbia, and Cornell
I’m also applying to American, Haverford, George Washington, Bucknell, Lafayette, and Colgate
I got a 36 composite on the ACT (only one I took, 33 on writing), and I might take the SAT if I qualify for NMS.
I’ll be taking the subject tests in October (Spanish, Math II, US History).
My GPA was a 4.0 at the end of this year, but my school goes up to 4.33 for getting an A+. I got one A+ and one A- (but the A- was in a class where the maximum grade one could receive was a 94).
I’ve taken 5 APs and gotten 5s on all of them (Bio, APHuG, APUSH, Psych, Lang).
I’m taking 4 APs next year, along with a bunch of requirements (gov, econ, health, gym, etc.).
I don’t really have that many major awards, except AP Scholar with Distinction and probably NMS Semifinalist (my NMS Selection Index was 224).
My ECs are as follows:
Quiz bowl (4 years), captain and president
Model UN (4 years), current treasurer
Founder of Linguistics Club
Current Copy Editor for the school newspaper
Volunteer tutor with local organization (2 years)
Part of the school GSA
Used to do Science Olympiad
This summer I have a paid internship with the Suicide Prevention Center. I’m also taking a Coursera course in economics (which will probably be my major).
My essays and teacher recs will probably be pretty strong, but it’s hard to say. I’m going to work really hard on those. I’m also good at interviewing.
I’m white and go to a public school in NY. I think my biggest problem is that I don’t have any major hooks. Can anyone give me any advice?