Timing of flights home for Thanksgiving Break

<p>ahpimommy, if I fall asleep while we’re having drinks during Arkansas weekend just keep right on talking. I’ll wake up before you’re done I’m sure :slight_smile: j/k</p>

<p>I still think your daughter should reconsider attending the barn game. She’s wayyyyyy too pretty to be subjected to that hell hole and those cretins. Her dislike of Turkey has me perplexed though. Does she not realize it’s deliciousness??? </p>

<p>Now I’m hungry. Is it Thanksgiving yet???</p>

<p>The busiest day of the year to fly is the day before Thanksgiving and we eliminate that risk (and cost) if we go to a full week. Clearly, our objectives are mutually exclusive, so we will have to agree to disagree. I’m viewing two breaks that are too short to come home as the greater imposition, but also respect your viewpoint.</p>


<p>I also know that breaking up the studying right before finals might not be the best academically…</p>

<p>however, it will be what it will be and we get by regardless.</p>

<p>roll tide.</p>

<p>NJ…as far as drinks go “you snooze…you lose”…lol!!! I will ratchet back the chit chat. DD likes the process of making the turkey dinner just not eating it…might be because every time we go around the table and say what we are thankful for she is usually the but of one of her siblings jokes …so she usually ends up boo hooing (She is such and easy target). So I am hoping the turkey won’t take it personally.
Thanks for the compliments…I have NO IDEA why she wants to go there …but she does and has a fabulous game day dress to flaunt in front of them…she reminds me she will have BF to protect her…(he reminds me he went hunting last year that time and got a dear…looking for cows this year maybe …ha ha).</p>

<p>Bama Dining offered a Thanksgiving lunch for students on campus and guests. There was a nominal fee,</p>

<p>Yes, it was $5 per person…all money went to charity…it was a full T-giving meal with all the trimmings and desserts.</p>

<p>The campus does keep a dorm or two open during T-giving week because the int’l students rarely go home for holidays.</p>

<p>If Bama were to make a full week off for T-giving, it probably would designate another dorm (like an honors dorm) to be open so that those who won’t be going home for T-giving, can choose that dorm for the year. </p>

<p>I believe now that there is 3 weeks between T-giving week and Christmas break. I know that’s not much more, but it does add some more distance.</p>

<p>Also, since southerners are a hospitable bunch, it’s very likely that an OOS kid who isn’t going home, will find himself with a couple of invitations to bunk at another student’s family’s home for the week.</p>

<p>Because the Thanksgiving break comes so close to the Winter break, we have opted to have our son come home during the Fall break and stay on campus for the Thanksgiving break. We can celebrate Thanksgiving early when he is home. Hey, maybe UA should shorten the Thanksgiving break and expand the Fall break ;-)</p>

<p>I really don’t see how Thanksgiving Break could be shortened as I don’t think many will go to school/work on Thanksgiving Day and the other days are necessary buffers.</p>

<p>As a good amount of my family isn’t home during the Month of November, we have seriously considered observing Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October instead (as is done in Canada). While there won’t be much going on at my home over Thanksgiving, the tickets were only slightly more than those for Fall Break would have been and I get to stay longer.</p>

<p>UA does offer free housing during breaks when most of the dorms are closed. I stayed in Rose Towers this past Spring Break as airfare was too expensive to go home. </p>

<p>Adverse weather conditions can happen throughout the year. Two years ago, I was delayed going back to UA after Spring Break because of snow in Dallas. Yet, my 5 flights this past January when much of the southeast was closed due to snow were all on time or only slightly delayed.</p>

<p>Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. </p>

<p>Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, corn, deviled eggs, pumpkin pie, apple pie…</p>

<p>Then we get to watch God’s and yours truly’s favorite team The DALLAS COWBOYS on tv.</p>

<p>Follow that up with a turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce sandwich on toast and some more pumpkin pie. And you simply have the greatest day of the year.</p>

<p>I think lil bro might be staying at his apartment this year. So that’s even more of the above left over for me :-)</p>

<p>In regards to traveling whether at Thanksgiving or Christmas break, it always makes sense to add some buffer time in case of flight delays or weather issues. Example: if son is due back on campus on Monday, we do a Saturday flight. If you are traveling from the Northeast during the winter months and a non-stop flight is not available, try to book your change of flight in a warm destination (less chance of weather delays). Although Baltimore is a convenient airport to change flights.</p>

<p>NJBama: you shock me. What kind of self respecting guy from NJ is a Dallas Cowboys fan? Next thing I know you’ll be wearing blue & orange…</p>

<p>GO COWBOYS!!! BIG D!!! NJBama, you just went up a couple of levels in my eyes :slight_smile: America’s favorite team is the best thing to watch on Thanksgiving Day. That being said, I wasn’t fortunate enough to make it home last year, so I went home with a dear friend and celebrated with their family. Make local friends = always a place to crash usually if you can’t make the long trip home.</p>

<p>RodD, I’m from Philly originally which makes it even worse in some eyes. It wasn’t easy growing up a Cowboys fan in the middle of those hoodlum Iggles fans. I had to watch the Cowboys - eagles games from behind the corner of the couch so my dad couldn’t see me cheering. He knew I was a Cowboys fan but he hated it and he didn’t want to see or hear me when they played Philly.</p>

<p>But I’ve been a fan since I was 5 (as far back as I remember) and have never wavered even through the bad years.</p>

<p>The only thing I love more than watching the Cowboys is watching Alabama. And even then there isn’t a big gap between the two. </p>

<p>Mesquite, I’m not sure how I went up a couple levels in your eyes. I thought everyone on here already had me on their top rung. I guess I’m now in the stratosphere in your eyes :slight_smile: j/k</p>

<p>NJ…since the Chiefs used to be the “Dallas Texans”…and we now have at least one former Alabama player on our team…AND…I love the Chiefs and Alabama…shoot honey I think that makes us almost kin…jkd…nothing better than watching Dallas play on Turkey day except when playing the Chiefs and beating the. Oh and midnight toasted turkey samis are a staple at my house…have buy extra white bread so we can all feast and yes we put stuffing on them as well…</p>

<p>Oh OK, you’re not from the real part of NJ :wink: JK! I was going to say if you couldn’t root for the real NJ team that wears blue, then at least you could be rooting for the Jets since the high scoring Wonderlic QB named Greg McElroy will be holding a clipboard for them this season. </p>

<p>But I suppose rooting for the Cowboys is a tad better than the Eagles.</p>

<p>NJ I feel your pain! I have been a true blue Cowboys fan since Mr. Tom Landry was coaching…and I am from Chicago! Not just Chicago…but the Southside of Chicago. Land of ‘youse guys’, ‘deem and dose’ as in: “Hey youse guys, didja see deem Cowboys smash dose Bears!” LOL</p>

<p>Yah, I hid behind the coach too, especially when my dad was cheering for the Bears. LOL Best times of my life.</p>

<p>We are heading to Dallas to watch the T-Day game this year. So excited! </p>

<p>I love football beyond reason. I love the Cowboys, but having mellowed in my old age, I do also love the Bears…just not quite as much. Hopefully next year I can say that we love 'Bama football just as much!</p>