Classes the Tues. of Thanksgiving

<p>I am about to book a flight for my son to come home. I noticed on the official calendar that there seems to be class on Tuesday, but the airport shuttle does run that day. Do professors typically have class that day? My son has chemistry running until 4:50 Tuesday. I don’t want to set him up for getting penalized for missing class.</p>

<p>you can usually miss a class with no problem, unless it is a test. labs are another story. better to wait on a class schedule to see what the case is.</p>

<p>I think we would all be better served if the Fall Break were eliminated and the students received the entire week off for Thanksgiving. Do others agree?</p>

<p>My sense is that Tuesday is not very productive anyway and the saving in utilities to the school and airfares for the parents would be considerable.</p>

<p>M2CK: How do we get that message to the administration?</p>

<p>I agree that Fall Break needs to be eliminated and the entire T-giving week needs to be off. Vandy does it and it helps accomodate those coming from a distance.</p>

<p>The person to send your concerns to is Dr Judith Bonner…Provost. </p>

<p>Profs usually do have classes that Tuesday and often give tests. If you’re going to miss, then ask your Prof now or when classes begin if it wil be an issue.</p>

<p>I saw that there are 3 campus shuttles Tuesday and only 2 Wednesday, so I thought Tuesday must be the big day for leaving campus. I will schedule a Wednesday flight. I totally agree with moving those fall break days to Thanksgiving!</p>

<p>Here is the email address for Dr. Judy Bonner, Executive Vice President and Provost:</p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p>I have emailed her and recommend others express their wishes to eliminate Fall Break and move the days to a complete week off for Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>FWIW, I agree about the elimination of Fall Break and the lengthening of Thanksgiving Break. It really makes it more difficult and expensive for OOS students. I’m feeling guilty already because I feel like as much as I want to see her, what the point in flying her home twice? We’re currently looking to see if a flight to see her G’ma in Houston is any cheaper than flying her home to Chicago, which is right now hovering around $300. It sure would be nice to have her home for 7-8 days in November instead.</p>

<p>DS (from Illinois) stayed at UA during TGiving last year, it was no big thing. made no sense to us to fly him home with Xmas break only three weeks later.
And definitely DON’T count on being able to miss classes on Tues. until you hear it from the prof. Was an issue for DS for both Xmas and Spring breaks.</p>