<p>I'm taking bibc102 with Price, who is an amazing teacher. That's not my problem. My problem is, I don't know know how to even start tackling the sheer number of concepts and pathways. And yes, it's fourth week, and they're just piling on at this point :(</p>
<p>So for those of you that have taken metabolic biochemistry--is it like ochem where you can get away with just knowing how things react together? Or do I have to know the structures and pathways by heart? If it requires the memory of a typical bio course, how did you go about learning everything? How did you study the material and remember all the names and order of things? I feel overwhelmed just staring at all the names of all the structures I should know by now.</p>
<p>For those of you who have taken Price, did you read the book? Did it help, or can you get all the points from his lectures? Are his problem sets reflective of his exams?</p>
<p>Thank you for any tips and replies!!</p>
<p>memorize: memorize lots and memorize early.</p>
<p>my roommate had a crazy network of notecards going over the wall of her room, color-coded and connected with yarn. i settled for hoarding scratch paper (the recycled paper bin next to campus printers is great) and drawing the pathways over and over. do whatever works for you, but do it NOW.</p>
<p>g’luck! (the class sucks, but at least you’re not alone)</p>
<p>Didn’t you guys just learn glycolysis and Kreb’s Cycle so far? From what I remember, the second half of BIBC 102 was way more intense since the first couple weeks were just review of metabolism.</p>
<p>I hear Price isn’t that bad. His exams are extremely reflective of his past exams and pretty much asks the same questions and question types over and over so if you study all of his past exams then you will probably be fine. I’m pretty sure every BIBC 102 professor requires you to know the structures and the names of every step in the cycles so just keep writing em over and over till you have em memorized.</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies
the last time I’ve heard the words “Krebs cycle” was…about 5 years ago. So everything I’ve been learning in the past few weeks has been pretty much new material for me.</p>
<p>How about Hampton’s quizes and midterms?
Average from quiz #1 was so high (88%)</p>