<p>**** yea! I can already tell that I'm gonna hate this class.
<p>who’s teaching?</p>
<p>OMG I get to give Batman advice!</p>
<p>Too bad I have none since I took this summer and it was boatloads easier than what it could have been in the fall. Thank goodness for a professor that goes on tangents and already has a short time to work with. </p>
<p>I would say its a lot of memorization and the material is similar to Bio 1A in regards to the glycolysis, Krebs, urea, ETC, DNA and RNA, etc. The first unit was easy but it was a lot of graphs…</p>
<p>Thorner is teaching some section. Deals with enzymes and stuff it seems like. </p>
<p>sllamas: should have taken it in the summer but anatomy was killer. lol Was there a lot of ochem elements to it? Because I don’t remember jack from Ochem…</p>
<p>pretty much nothing from ochem. No reactants or types of reactions. You should know what arrow pushing looks like I guess and know the meaning of a nucleophilic attack. Also electron environments making atoms more likely to be attacked/not equivalent.</p>
<p>“or example, all reading assignments will be in the 5th Ed and will not be “translated” into the corresponding pages, assuming there are some, in the 4th Ed. I hope the preceding information allows you to make the best choice for you. I hope this is the last inquiry I get about this subject, but I doubt it will be. Sigh.
Sincerely yours, Prof.”</p>
<p>hahahahahaha. Seriously? Sigh? Is a 7 year old girl teaching MCB102 now? </p>
<p>On another note: any more tips sllamas? I’m just taking what I can get…
<p>Is this your first MCB class batman? The most important thing is seeing the big picture for most MCB classes and learning how to apply those ideas. </p>
<p>I had Michael something (forgot his last name), Calendar, and Berleman.</p>
<p>1st part (macromolecules, enzymes, etc): Blend of both understanding things + memorizing details. There are some physics-like calculation problems that will most likely show up on this test. Don’t waste your time deriving things though. That’s what some of the other students during my semester did and none of that helped on the test. Understand and know how to apply the formulas.</p>
<p>2nd part (metabolism): this is all memorization and very straight-forward; students do best on this test. If you put in the work and time, you can get a high A.</p>
<p>3rd part (DNA repair mechanisms, genomics, transcription, etc): Most difficult part of the course for me, but maybe it was because of the professor, who made the test bollocks difficult. In general, I would say don’t memorize details for this section. Instead, understand the big picture and know how to apply those concepts. I could see how another Professor could emphasize detail and memorization though, so take this advice with a grain of salt. Berleman was nuts.</p>
<p>don’t fall behind.</p>
<p>MechRocket put things very nicely, I think. Luckily for me, in the summer we did not have time for a lot of the third part :). I felt the first part was the easiest because we had the most time to study and it was really intuitive stuff. The second part was really bad for me because I didn’t really study and the two week gap was not enough…</p>
<p>I feel so old now that I recall taking this class 2 years ago. I had Thorner too with Zusman for the DNA section. It was the first MCB class I took, although in conjuction with 136. All I have to say is that to get the A, you need to read the textbook for the first couple of lectures. While protein purification may seem “easy” he tests stuff straight from the book. Oh and if you haven’t already I’d say get a head start on kinetics and amino acids because it took me a month to get that sh** down. Zusman was a pushover and I think everyone did exceptionally well in his section so I think you’d need to study extra hard for the first two to stand 1 sd above the mean going into the final. Now that I think about it… there was something about enzymes on the MCAT I took several months ago…</p>
<p>babydragon how did you do on the mcat? i’m curious because iirc you aced all the mcb upper divs.</p>
<p>see message i sent you.</p>