Tips on getting what a student needs academically at A&M, including registration

Here is another page that lists Chemistry 106. If you click on the course, a window pops up that says at the bottom that the student must be concurrent enrolled in 116 (lab). Looks like he needs the lab in order for this class to qualify for UCC. Can he take the lab only somewhere so can count?

Here is the link for the ICD courses only.
The ICD classes are found mainly in the creative arts, Language philosophy and culture, social and behavior sciences

After much calling and uninformed answers I finally spoke to the director of academic services in his college. He was very helpful and I learned a lot, which I am passing on. He said that the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has stated that if you take a course at a Texas state college and is it listed under the core curriculum on that college’s website, even a community college, that A&M has to accept it for core curriculum. Now, the specific college may be more particular about what they accept. For example a science major may not get credit towards his degree plan for Intro to Chemistry. Unfortunately not even the community college that has this course counts it as a core course so my son will have to take it elsewhere but I’m thankful to Thelma2 for saving him from taking a chemistry course that won’t count towards graduation. Thank you Thelma2.

We will be attending the NSC pre-conference day and are trying to decide what to do/see. We are out-of-state, so this is the last time we will be on campus before move-in.

We want to see the assigned dorm room in the Commons. Do we have to sign up for the official Commons tour or can we just walk over and check it out? The tour doesn’t indicate we can see our actual building.

We will also check out the bookstore and try to get our sports pass.

The official check-in to pick up the ID isn’t until later in the afternoon, so what else should we do?

Also, should we bring a laptop to register for classes or is that done on the school’s computers?

OK - I’m feeling kind of dumb. I am taking CHEM 107/117 this fall as a freshman. Do I register for the same professor for both?

@oneplus don’t worry i had that question too lol, i asked it on the reddit aggies page and people said that for the lab (CHEM 117) you just choose whichever section suits your schedule best because the “professor” for the lab is often TBA and the actual professor never actually really does anything or grades anything, it’s all TAs that actually run the labs

Thanks @emppme1 !