<p>What's the average SAT for Tisch? I'm applying to the dramatic writing division, and was wondering how selective it is. : ]</p>
<p>Everything is Tisch is selective, and I believe they have the lowest admission percentage among the various schools at NYU. </p>
<p>Also, I've heard that the NYU AB prefers to recruit those candidates who exhibit potential and talent as oppossed to the academically gifted students. This isn't to say academics don't matter, but they are of lesser importantance when compared to their importance at, for instance, Stern. </p>
<p>Not to bolster the "dumb artist" stereotype, but stats for Tisch, I believe, are slightly lower than the NYU average. The average SAT is about a 1350, though that is an estimate.</p>
<p>You're better off waiting for someone more experienced than I to answer.</p>
<p>I got in with sats of like 1130. and a damn good protfolio/essay. </p>
<p>so yeah, dumb artists are welcome at tisch... all the guys at tisch are dumb and gay, and proud of both I assume... that's what it seems at least, can't say I've been there...</p>
<p>anyway, I fit the bill, so I won't be anything special over there, I had better enjoy my last chance to be weird now while I can.</p>
<p>I think that makes sense. For the serious artist, raw talent is so much more important.</p>
<p>i think i'm pretty good at what i'm doing...recorded music...i'm straight tho and had a 1560.</p>
<p>I have a few friends who are in Tisch. If you think they're all dumb, you're mistaken and will be in for a big surprise. All of the drama ones had better SATs than I did and I'm a presidential scholar in CAS. Also, they're not ALL gay so if you're hoping for that, you're also in for a surprise. Sure there are a few people in Tisch with low stats but they're the exception, trust me. Tischies, on the whole, are incredibly talented AND smart.</p>
<p>I'd have to say I agree with matth. I have a friend...er...acquaintance who goes to Tisch and he is incredibly talented and smart. He was in like, all my school's musicals during his years there, and he was an '04 class valedictorian. He is also, much to your stereotype's dismay, NOT GAY. In my opinion, you don't have to be gay to be smart or talented.</p>
<p>This thread totally amuses me. Regarding the gay dumb artist thing, look all stereotypes have some slight element of truth to them...thats how they came to be stereotypes. It would be inaccurate to say that there are some in Tisch who do not comform to this image since some totally do. That being said, the vast majority of people in Tisch are very, very intelligent, and I'm sure most are not gay either. I don't see too many homosexuals (at least known ones) out of all the famous alums Tisch as produced.</p>
<p>I wasn't saying I think they're dumb, but rather stats aren't the most important factor, talent is, though many, many of them do have good stats (I don't equate school smarts with intelligence)</p>
<p>Absolutey agreed Celebrian. Some of the Tisch programs are extremely selective and it really comes down to raw talent. The talented person with slightly weaker academics probably has a better shot than the 1550 SAT without a shred of talent. </p>
<p>Did Sly Stallone have a perfect SAT score? Most likely not. Does it matter? Not one bit.</p>
<p>Haha, are you taling about Sylvester Stallone?</p>
<p>According to S's counselor, Tisch does not give an inch for gpa. Kids with low grades are not going to get in. However, lots of talent, good grades, good interview will offset a low SAT. I have seen sub 1200 SAT1s get in--haven't seen anyone below a 3.0 or even near it. And, believe me, Tisch is not pulling down NYU's SAT scores. I believe they have the second highest SAT scores of NYU's schools, second only to Stern.</p>
<p>"I believe they have the second highest SAT scores of NYU's schools, second only to Stern."</p>
<p>I'm not buying that. The mathematics of it wouldn't add up. NYU's overall average is a 1352, and Stern's is a 1412. The CAS average was 1371 four years ago (most likely higher now since NYU has gotten more selective). Tisch cannot have an average so high without NYU's overall average being higher. </p>
<p>Tisch is not bringing down NYU SAT scores per se, but it isn't exactly bolstering them either. Tisch in all certainty has higher scores than School of Ed, GSP, and Social Work. I'm not sure about Gallatin. </p>
<p>As for my Sly Stallone comment; my point is that artists and actors aren't made by academics but by sheer talent. This is why the sub 1200 SATs Jamimom talks about have gotten into Tisch...they bring something to the table that even high SATs can't match in Tisch admissions.</p>
<p>Stallone has talent? What?</p>
<p>HAHA, Rocky IV was downright awesome...beating Drago and the Evil Empire!</p>
<p>does anybody here know anything regarding the selectivity specifically for the dramatic writing program?? thanks</p>
<p>I used to think the admission rate for film was between 4-6% (now I'm pretty sure its higher), and at the nyu summer program they told us that the dramatic writing program had about twice the acceptance rate...however a huge amount of people apply to the film program for about 100 spots...and not as many apply for less dramatic writing spots...sorry that my info is so spotty, I just don't want to lead you on when I honestly don't know the exact answer...</p>
<p>thanks : ]</p>