To All EA Acceptees:

<p>I was just wondering if any people accepted EA had been notified regarding some kind of get-together in their area for accepted students? I remeber from the boards last year that this happened. Anyone? :)</p>

<p>I sure haven't...I wonder who else from around here got in?</p>

<p>I have...but we're from the same area, Calidan. I got an e-mail a week or so ago about some meeting for EA acceptees in the Bay Area. It's in Saratoga or somethin, but the guy who e-mailed me said he was specifically SFS so maybe there's one for the college too. But no, I don't think its some creepy phony e-mail, seems like they are legitimate students tryin to set up meetings for EA acceptees.</p>

<p>btw, happy new year everyone.</p>

<p>sorry i havent posted in awhile, ive been on vacation, lol, dont think i've just been lurking around ;-)</p>

<p>I should be from the same area too...I haven't heard anything either, though</p>

<p>I haven't heard anything about that....Do they really do that?</p>

<p>No word of a SoCal get-together.</p>

<p>Definitely no word of a Michigan get together.</p>

<p>My interviewer mentioned it casually, saying that sometimes people in the area, (like 5-10) get together. I doubt it will happen.</p>

<p>Well from the old posts, I read that all EA acceptees had a get-together in Berkeley in February or thereabouts. That would be fun, and I live really close to Berkeley. ;)</p>

<p>I have a get-together thing this saturday afternoon at a GAAP member's house. im from northern NJ.</p>

<p>Hmmmm... interesting. Maybe they're beginning to organize them now.</p>

<p>hey mike, how did they contact you about the get together? with a letter or a phone call?</p>

<p>guess you and me'll have to hook up, caddyshack</p>

<p>what school are you from hoyasaxa?</p>

<p>i might have answered this already..................southfield high.</p>

<p>maybe california is too big to have get togethers. But I would think there would be a few people from Orange/SD counties...</p>

<p>Probably... but I'd think that there would at least be some NorCal get-together, since there is a NorCal Georgetown Alumni Club located in San Francisco.</p>

<p>I havent heard anything about one around here. I'm from the Boston area</p>

<p>I had one around christmas. The girl who was organizing it called me and sent me an e-mail. I wanted to go, but it was a 45-minute drive, the weather wasn't nice and I had a huge calc test the next day, so I decided not to.</p>

<p>hey caddyshack, i was contacted by e-mail about the get-together. they are organized by GAAP members. 4 freshman girls ran it at one of the girl's houses. about 15 people showed up.</p>