<p>I know some schools offer the option of not using your SAT score as an admission factor and I'm wondering if it would make sense for me to do it.</p>
<p>My final GPA is 3.75, I'm taking a gap year so i'm out of school, and my transcript consists of mostly A's, few B's (from my first year) and 1 C form my final year ( Senioritis took over)</p>
<p>I did the SAT for the first time, in Jan, and I got 1850 so I'm retaking it in Nov. hoping for 2000+</p>
<p>So should someone with my stats consider going SAT-optional for schools like Hamilton and Marist?</p>
<p>1850 is not a bad score btw (if not talking about Ivies)…what is your CR , Math and WR score? did you take the TOEFL? if yes , what score did you get?</p>
<p>Nope not considering ivies, and i don’t need to take the TOEFL as English is my first language. </p>
<p>Now this is where it gets bad, my CR + M is 1180 (CR 570, M610) my writing is 670, but i’m retaking SAT in Nov. Based on several practice tests I anticipate my new CR + M score to be 1300</p>