To take the AP exam or not?

My son has been admitted to Virginia Tech Architecture during the ED round. As a junior, he too AP English Language and received a 5. I understand this places him out of a full year of Freshman English. This year he is taking AP English Composition. Is there any compelling reason he should take the exam? It won’t give him any extra credit at VT since they award for one or the other AP English class, not both.

Also, he is taking AP Calc AB. Regardless of if he takes the exam, it will not place him out of any math classes at Tech as an Architecture major. So, is there any compelling reason he should spend the $91 to take this exam as well?

Thanks for any insight.

I would say no to both. DS placed out of English and it has been sweet.

No to both. Why pay the exam fee or take the time to study if you won’t get any useful credit? My daughter skipped three AP exams senior year that wouldn’t get her credit, and focused her study time and our money on the exams that were useful. No regrets.

Our school requires us to take the exam, but there’s no need for your son. I’m curious though- how did he take AP Lang but not AP Comp? Isn’t it one class, AP English Lang&Comp? We only take 1 AP exam for that class…

I’m thinking she meant AP English Literature for Senior year. I brought this up to my son who got a 5 on AP Composition and told him that he wouldn’t get credit for Literature but he said he didn’t want to take a class all year and not take the test. He loves to take tests and doesn’t study for any of them, irritating. Thinking I should make him pay for it though! As for the Math I would double check with the registrars office on that. I don’t read the paper as saying they won’t give ANY credit just that you can’t get credit for both the Elementary Calculus and Calculus Variable if you are in a specific major. I would double check that he won’t get ANY credit for a 4 or 5 on the Calc AB test. Which my son said was pretty easy last year. If they even get an elective credits for those I would take the exam. One reason we may consider Tech is because they are very generous with their AP credits. Good luck!