AP Credit?

<p>This year I am taking 4 ap classes
1. Art History
2. Statistics
3. Calculus
4. Government</p>

<p>Last year I took AP US History and got a 4 on it giving me 6 credit hours in area 2 of the CLE GEN ED Requirements.</p>

<p>My question is, what ap exams should i take?
The government exam would apply to area 2 and i already have the 6 needed hours according to vt's ap credit. <a href="http://www.registrar.vt.edu/registration/documents/ap_equivalency_1011.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.registrar.vt.edu/registration/documents/ap_equivalency_1011.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I am debating on whether or not to take the calculus. I am going into the engineering program in the fall. I need to get a 4 to get any credit and It will exempt me from calculus 1. I am scared about going straight into a college level of calculus 2 though? Thoughts on if i should take calculus 1 in college even though i could be exempt from it? </p>

<p>I am also debating on whether or not to take the stats exam. My teacher says i should take it in case i minor in math but i dont think i will. Any other benefit to taking it?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>Hey I’m having the same problems as hopefulvt. I am taking AP Spanish, Computer Science A, and Calculus AB but am questioning if taking any of them is worth it since I’m majoring in engineering. I don’t see how CS 1705 would ever be useful in an engineering schedule, and will probably want to take Calc 1 anyways since it’s such an important course for engineers. With Spanish, I would get credit for a 2 or 3000 level course, but am not sure if that will help fulfilling a CLE requirement, or any of the area requirements, or what.</p>

<p>Any thoughts?</p>

<p>What major are you guys thinking of going into (vtech15 - which kind of engineering are you planning on majoring in?)</p>

<p>In my high school, you were required to take the AP exam if you took the course, so alot of people ended up having to retake calc once they got to college. One of my good friends got a 5 on the AP Calc exam and went straight to 1206, and he didn’t seem to struggle at all. It just depends on you and if you want to spend money on the exam and see how well you do, then go from there in deciding which math class you take.</p>

<p>No real advantage for taking intro stat, except that you won’t have to take it once you get here. Intro stat REALLY sucks anyway because the teachers aren’t that great and require a lot of studying for what could be an easy class. So, if there is even the slightest possibility of you having to take it, I’d take the exam. Again, it really depends on your planned major (and if you end up changing your major while you’re here).</p>

<p>Art History will give you Area 6 credit if you get a 4 or 5.
Unless you’re planning on being a Poli Sci major or minor or something related to that, then there’s no reason to take the Government exam. It was super easy when I took it as a sophomore in HS though.</p>

<p>I really do not know what I want to major in? Maybe mechanical engineering with a computer science minor? Will intro stats be helpful for that? or only helpful if i decide to try and get a math minor?</p>

<p>Also according to the ap credit chart getting a 4 or the art history exam will get me 6 credit hours right in Area 6 which is all i need to graduate?</p>

<p>If you take most engineering (if I’m remembering correctly from what my friends have taken) you actually only need a 1 credit class for area 6. It’s called Creativity & Aesthetic Experience, meets once a week, pretty easy. You could always go that route too.</p>

<p>Also, no stat classes are required for a math minor…it’s all math courses.</p>

<p>Since you’re both engineering majors, chuy probably has more insight on what you should do about APs and classes and such.</p>

<p>stats and math are different areas? So taking a stats class at tech will not be beneficial at all towards a math minor?</p>

<p>Hope chuy comes in tonight. I need to pay for exams by Friday!!</p>

<p>Yup, Statistics is it’s own subject area with its own department. You can major/minor in stat. And nope, no stat classes are required for a math minor…it’s all classes that are under the math department. All the pre reqs for math classes are just other math classes. The only benefit you’ll get from stat is if you major in math (upper level stat is required, but Intro Stat isn’t listed as a pre req).</p>

<p>Accept ALL of your AP credit. All of it.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.registrar.vt.edu/registration/documents/ap_equivalency_1011.pdf[/url]”>http://www.registrar.vt.edu/registration/documents/ap_equivalency_1011.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>College calc one can be easy, but it can also be a grade trap and you’ll end up with a B+ or A- if you’re complacent. Calc 2 has a huge built-in review and you’ll most likely be fine.</p>

<p>^ Listen to hokagesama.</p>

<p>I can’t comment on calc or engineering at all, but I know many people who didn’t accept AP credit for classes like bio or calc, because they thought it would be better for their major, then ended up not getting an A OR struggled to get an A. Spend your freshman/sophomore years getting as many As as possible. Srsly. </p>

<p>Also I know that my AP/IB credits are saving me since I’ve withdrawn/dropped classes…so if you think about it that way, try getting all the AP credit you can get. My credits keep me “ahead” so I don’t have to worry about meeting the minimum credit requirement. As an engineer, you probably won’t need to worry about it, but still something to think about.</p>