To the class of 2011

<p>I know the date is top secret and if you tell me you will have to kill me, but, when was your class recognized last year? Was it before or after Spring break?</p>

<p>Recognition is never soon enough for the Plebe class.
And it’s always later than you think, as Parents.
Until they pass their 10 PKTs and a boatload of other missions, I wouldn’t invest much time in it.
It’s performance-based milestones, and little-to-nothing to do with a calendar.
(PS. As a parent, I DID ask “They DO have to be recognized before the next Indoc, right ;)”. “Not necessarily” was the reply I got. :wink: Yikes!)</p>

<p>2010 was recognized 12 Feb 07! :)</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure 2011 was recognized on March 21st</p>

<p>I’m going to have my Plebe and his classmates that are staying with us this weekend study their PKTs!</p>



<p>2010’s was a fluke. </p>

<p>Most classes are able to get it accomplished late March / early April. I think ours ('09) was March 25.</p>

<p>What does it mean to be recognized?</p>

<p>They get to stop being plebes and are recognized as 4th class midshipmen. Life will get a bit easier. Some new rates/privileges. It’s a very important milestone. However, my D despairs of her class ever passing the required number PKTs (Plebe Knowledge Tests). Hearing about the spirit missions they do is fun.</p>

<p>Recognize 2012! (Sometime before June would be nice. Hehe)</p>

<p>June sounds good, KPmom2012.
Ummm, which YEAR did you have in mind? :D</p>

<p>(Just teasing, don’t despair !)
Although 2012 really does need to get their PKT thinking caps on as well.</p>