To those that weren't accepted.

<p>I, like some of you were not accepted, just wanted to tell the people that weren't accepted that i guess it wasn't meant to be. But on the bright side, we still have all the RD schools that want us. </p>

<p>It is interesting though. I guess not expecting to get in helped soften the rejection for me. Either way, it can still be disappointing.</p>

<p>I just want to thank everyone that has helped and encouraged me up until this point. Specifically theocmom and Raymond Flores.</p>

<p>Nice post and sorry about your news. Keep up the good mental attitude and good luck in the next round of apps. Things have a way of working out.</p>

<p>Yeah I got rejected too.
I also did not expect to get in, but I at least hoped for a deferral. Either way I was going to be rejected so I guess I'll be fine.</p>

<p>Yeah thanks man</p>