<p>Hey guys, I've been on CC since last year when I applied as a freshman.</p>
<p>I was rejected. Yes, it sucked, but know that wherever you end up going, you will have a GREAT time. College really does live up to its hype; you meet new people, you're own you're own, and you grow as an individual a lot. However, if you still feel like you really want to go to USC and that it is the place for you absolutely apply as a transfer.</p>
<p>I recently got in as a transfer student and I have never worked harder to get something I wanted. From the get-go, you manage your time wisely between meeting new people and doing well in school. Get good grades (3.5+) and get to know your teachers... you never know when you'll need a letter of rec from them. This is what I did (in a nutshell) and it worked out nicely because USC ended up accepting me.</p>
<p>Rememer to have fun at whatever you school you end up going to, but you do have options if you are not happy. Meet new people and enjoy. If you have any questions on transferring, there's a great thread in the transfer discussion area that answered all the questions I had: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/533874-usc-2009-transfer-thread.html%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/533874-usc-2009-transfer-thread.html</a></p>