To those with ACT success: What study materials are "good"?

<p>Hi guys. I'm a first time ACT taker, and I am also a senior in highschool sending this score out to colleges after the deadline. I've taken the SAT three times, and get around an 1880 everytime I take it. A composite 1880 just doesn't add up(ha-ha) when compared to my 3.93 unweighted GPA. My superscore is a 2030, but U-M, my number one school, does not superscore. I am submitting scores for consideration before and after the application deadline. (I already cleared this with the Admissions office).</p>

<p>I am wondering what sorts of materials I should be purchasing to prepare? Any of them particularly helpful? I believe the more practice tests the book has, the better I will perform. I am taking the February ACT.</p>

<p>The real act prep guide, McGraw, Kaplan, Princeton review… all top books…</p>

<p>Princeton, IMO, is great if your plan is to overprepare and you have a lot of months to kill. The Real Book is undeniably where everyone planning on taking the ACT should start.</p>

<p>I got a 35. I used</p>

<p>The Real ACT book
Released official ACT tests (there are about 7-10 of these out there)
Princeton Review’s 1296 questions
Barron’s ACT 36 (good for the science section)</p>

<p>Then best thing that you can do is review each test you take. I would spend just as much time reviewing the tests I took as I did on the tests themselves, and I received a 34.</p>

<p>Try Real ACT, 3 Real Tests that can be downloaded (you can google Preparing for ACT 2005-2006, 2007-2008 and 2011-2012 (correct me if I’m wrong)), and 2 online tests( for this you’ve to pay around 17$. Good Luck!</p>