Toefl problem...

<p>Here's the thing, I took my toefl in october but I had only had 3 hours of sleep and it went quite badly and I got a 97...
I decided to retake it december 17th, but on my common app they require my best score, I can't leave it blank, and I am sure that I am going to score much higher this time. I fear that if i put 97, they won't look at my other score! :(</p>

<p>Is there any way to circumvent this?</p>

<p>And btw, does anybody know if toefl superscores?</p>

<p>Leave the Common App space blank for now. You don’t need to fill it up. Just send the TOEFL score report later. It won’t matter.</p>

<p>No clue about TOEFL being superscored. Just email the admissions of the colleges you are applying.</p>

<p>Yes, I would just leave the Common App field blank. Lots of students submit their application before their score reports becomes available.</p>


<p>Also importance of self score report< score report from an official testing agency</p>

<p>Yes but those who fill the Toefl date field can only submit the common app if they also put their best score, it’s a required field. I don’t know why it is required; I didn’t have to put my scores SAT scores, but with the toefl they don’t allow me leaving it blank! It makes no sense</p>

<p>I guess my only option is putting 97 :(</p>

<p>It’s good to know that they won’t just ignore the score report though</p>

<p>Then just leave the test date field blank too…?</p>

<p>I would but filling the dest day is the only way to indicate that you took the toefl. If you leave it blank it’s as if you have never taken the toefl</p>

<p>I mean, what if I was to take only one test and the scores weren’t available by the time I wanted to submit? You can’t leave it blank. There’s got to be something wrong!</p>

<p>Nope. It doesn’t really matter if you tell them you have taken the test or not. What matters is if they receive the score reports or not.</p>

<p>Just send TOEFL score report via ETS. Let the colleges know by email you sent 2 TOEFL score reports. When you have submitted all application materials, the colleges will either give you a web link to a website, with a user ID and password or a confirmation email so that you can track the status of your application. There you will see your TOEFL score report provided you submitted it.</p>

<p>Thanks, I think that’s what I’m going to do (:
One more thing, should I say anything about this in the additional information part of the common app?</p>

<p>You can if you want to. :)</p>

<p>thanks man you were really helpful (: consider yourself kissed and hugged</p>

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<h2>I’m up for the TOEFL tomorrow… These prices are just intolerable. 240USD for the test and 17USD for each score report. AND I have to pay for the score reports before the actual test. These people are out of their minds.</h2>

<p>Do you how many wrong answers one can have to get a scaled 30 for one section? I did some practice tests with a CD from a Barron’s prep book. On listening, I got 3 wrong out of 35 or somthing like that, and a scaled score of 24… On reading, I got two wrong out of 65 (long section) and a scaled score of 23. ***?! :smiley:
This can’t be so harsh.</p>

<p>Well it usually isn’t DuffMan1991. Are you sure you only got 3 out of twenty five and two out of 65? Given that each question is normally worth 1 point it should be proportional. You should have got 27 and 29.
But don’t worry though, barron’s usually overprepares students. I studied from Kaplan (:</p>

<p>yeah, I’m pretty sure. But the software is kinda buggy. I just got 0 scaled for 4 wrong answers… :smiley:
Back to the curve question. Each question is worth 1 point. What raw scre can I minimally have to get a scaled 30?</p>

<p>^ ETS does not publish detailed scoring information about the TOEFL. Your own guess is as good as ours.</p>

<p>You’ll be fine Cal ;-)</p>

<p>Just one more question:
Does the order matter for the summary questions worth more than 1 point at the end of each text in the Reading Section? I mean, would I get full credit, if I picked the three correct statements, regardless of the order I drag them in the respective fields?</p>