TOEFL Superscore

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>My first TOEFL score was
R 30
L 30
S 27
W 30
T 117</p>

<p>Now I got
R 30 L 30 S 30 W 27
T 117</p>

<p>So, does the common app or universities accept superscored toefl scores?
Because I really want to send a 120/120 superscored TOEFL score. I mean 120 out of 120 sounds sexy :). Maybe it'll increase my chances.</p>

<p>First of all, the common conception is that as long as you’re over 100, it doesn’t make much difference.
Second, you will be sending your scores through ETS (I believe, that’s the body that administers TOEFL), and they do not superscore.</p>

<p>“Accept me and not those other 800 international applicants because my English is marginally better than theirs!” Not the best sales pitch I’ve heard. If that’s all you got going for you, good luck!</p>