<p>Hey guys, I was wondering what TOEFL is and how people use it? I know it has to do with like foreign students...but is it applicable to foreign students that just arrived in America in middle of junior year? </p>
<p>it stands for test of english as a foreign language and u should take it if u arrived recently to the united states and english is ur second language...by recently i mean in 9th grade or later...
it will help compensate for a poor verbal score...but it isnt a substitute for that</p>
<p>hmm that's an interesting question....I would like to know that too. any experts on teh toefl process? or have experience taking it? and what's considered a good score on toefl for like top universities if you have an 800 in math.</p>
<p>Merudh123, I think we should be able to score the perfect score 300.
It's very easy is like kindergarten level.
If you can score 600 at SAt on either writing or Cr, you should able to get 300</p>
<p>lol its not for me....I prolly got over 700 in verbal this time around but my cousin from india wanted to know. but thanks for the info...like what exactly is on it?</p>
<p>Will this help a low GPA? I have 700+ on my verbal but will a 300 be a hook? I mean I arrived at the middle of 9th grade and spent rest of 9th in an independent study school</p>
<p>isn't toefl just a requirement to see whether the foreign student can communicate in english? i thought it didn't really affect the Admission decision! maybe i'm wrong</p>
<p>if u can get over 700 in the verbal section of the sat u shouldnt waste ur time...its obvious that u can speak english if u do well in the sat english sections...but if u dont...it gives the admission counselor a more accurate understanding of ur english capabilities...
like merudh123, i also have an 800 math a 650 cr (which im happy with)...i just have to take the toefl to show that i can speak..
its a very easy test, much like the writing section of the sat only that much easier and with listening...maybe not a perfect 300 cuz one always makes stupid mistakes in 4-hour long tests, but surely over 270</p>
<p>naw I was in the same position, just check with the university most of the top schools dont require it if you have some amount of schooling in the US</p>
<p>the only ones which absolutely required it were UT austin and Wisconsin -madison. Funny how i took the test but ended up not applying to those schools :( </p>
<p>i applied to cornell wustl jhu ... you get the drift </p>
<p>got 297 easiest test ever, and Trinya to answer your question the TOEfl can supplment your wrinting score if the latter is above 630 but below that the adcom will surely notice a discrepancy</p>