Too demanding for the first semester?

<p>I'm currently in University Studies as I really don't know what major I want to pursue. My current schedule is: General Biology, General Chemistry, General Chemistry Lab, Honors Freshman English, Exploring Citizen Leadership (required for RLC), and Calculus. I'm a bit worried that this schedule is a bit too demanding for my first semester at Tech. I was wondering if anyone has thoughts about the workload of these classes. I did take AB Calculus in high school so I was hoping that would make that class relatively easy. Also if anyone knows what the specific differences between Honors Freshman English and Freshman English are that would be very helpful!</p>

<p>No, this is not demanding at all. A lot of science majors (particularly Biology and Chemistry majors) have the exact same schedule as you.</p>

<p>I had roughly the same schedule last year and I had plenty of downtime.</p>

<p>Just a heads up, biology will probably be your hardest class by far. And if you don’t study ahead of time, your grades will suffer.</p>

<p>Be careful</p>

<p>Don’t be a hero and bite off more than you can chew the first year.</p>

<p>For example, at Johns Hopkins, the first semester is pass fail, because they know there is an adjustment period.</p>

<p>this is 35 years ago, but my roomate, a science major, took tons of tough courses the first year, because he was so gung ho, but wind up not getting A’s.</p>

<p>Sounds good to hear this! Thanks for your thoughts, I’ll make sure to study hard for Bio.</p>