help with scheduling!!!!!

<p>I really want to get into either Uva, or Virginia tech, but im struggling with my schedule. Im a sophmore, about to be a junior next year. Heres my schedule for now...</p>

<p>AP U.s history(2 semesters)
Honors English
Algebra 2
Marine bio
German 4</p>

<p>I already took Honors Earth science in 9th grade, and honors biology and regular chemistry in tenth grade, and i have all A's in them. Im think about being a biology major, so is this a good schedule? Also anyone who goes to Virginia tech, may you please tell me about their bio department, thanks. Oh and one more thing! Do you need to take physics in high school if you're majoring in biology?</p>

<p>[Graduation</a> Requirements (Checksheets) | University Registrar | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Graduation”></p>

<p>u will take one semester physics course in 3rd year at VT (an easy one). Take Chemistry and Bio though.</p>

<p>Seeing the four exclamation marks, I thought ur a college student.</p>

<p>As long as that schedule can get u a diploma with excellent GPA, that’s good enough.</p>

<p>haha! no, im in high school. Can i ask you something? Is Virginia tech really this hard to get into? Some people say yes, others say no. I know engineering is killer but if you apply to other places on campus is it easier? Is a 3.5 gpa good to get in.</p>

<p>Your GPA is not the best indicator in that it’s subjective to your school. VT is very regional with Nova, Richmond, and Tidewater areas being very competitive, lots of AP, IB, specialty programs, and high GPAs. The more rural areas of the state are an entirely different ballgame. Don’t misunderstand me, the students are just as capable of success, smart, and have much to offer, but their transcripts will look different because the opportunities available were different. </p>

<p>Your best bet is to speak to your GC and see what successful candidates have looked like in course rigor, GPA, scores, and ECs. No matter where you are from you will be expected to have taken advantage of the most advanced courses available and done well. If the top students at your school take 3-5 APs and have a 3.75uw this gives you a better indicator then a random stranger who insists that 7APs and no less then a 3.9uw is necessary.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you!</p>