Too late for honors?

<p>Is it too late to be considered for the Honors program? I applied regular decision a few days before the 15th of January. I have an ACT score of 35 and a GPA of roughly 3.9. The VT site says an invitation is extended to students with a GPA above 3.7 and ACT score above 30. I never received any such invitation, but a lot of my friends did receive invites and have already been accepted. What's the deal? Thanks</p>

<p>If you have not been accepted, maybe they have not reviewed you application due to late submittal. You may want ot follow up with the admissions office.</p>

<p>When you say already accepted, you mean to regular undergraduate and not university honors. Honors acceptance does not come out till April.</p>

<p>I received my acceptance letter a few weeks ago (I applied Jan. 15th at 11:30pm haha). I had also previously received an honors invitation before receiving the acceptance letter. To get to the point, the acceptance letter said something about being able to apply to the honors college until May 20-something if you are accepted.</p>