no invitation to honors... should i be ****ed?

<p>I applied to VT and the only chance I go is if I get enough scholarship money and into the honors program. I have a 3.95 UW and 4.62 W GPA, as well as a 1410/2080 SAT. Any other people not get invited with strong stats?</p>

<p>The honors program seems to be based much more heavily on extracurricular activities and your essay than simple numbers. I have a 3.92 college GPA and 1550/2230 SAT, and I didn’t get in either.</p>

<p>You still are definitely in the running for most of the scholarships though, especially if you’re going into engineering.</p>

<p>I had a 32 ACT, 1420 SAT and a 3.75 GPA - no invitation here. Still hoping to get in for architecture!</p>

<p>1480 SAT, 4.7 weighted GPA, Sophomore Class President + many other extra-curriculars …no letter for honors. Only wrote one of the essays, but I didn’t
know that would make a difference. I’m disappointed for sure!</p>

<p>I just revisted the honors info. website [Admissions</a> to Honors | University Honors | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Admissions”> and it states
“Once you apply to Virginia Tech, University Honors will contact qualifying students and offer the opportunity to apply. High school grade point average and test scores are only used to qualify students to apply to Honors.Entering freshmen are invited to apply to University Honors if they have a cumulative GPA of 3.70 (as reported on their high school transcript) and a minimum SAT score of 1350 (critical reading and mathematics) or a minimum ACT composite score of 30.”<br>
I must be missing something. Anyone have any insight?</p>

<p>i just emailed the honors email at the bottom with this inquiry. Hopefully they respond soon because I still don’t get it. I was already accepted into the UMD Honors College today</p>

<p>If you didn’t get into honors and you know you meet their stat requirements then contact them for an application. This is what I, and many others as well, had to do and was successful is getting into honors.</p>

<p>Many of you should already know this, but please try to calm your tone down when emailing the staff and be respectful. Act as though you slipped through the cracks rather than they stupidly missed you. Honors doesn’t put up with any BS and they shouldn’t have to considering how much work they put in.</p>

<p>can any of you guys be patient? I just got my honors letter today… Come on give them time</p>

<p>I think I meet the minimum criteria described on the website - my stats are 3.8 GPA, 1570/1600 SATs - but have not received a letter. Should I continue to wait for a letter, or would it be ok to write to them now? I think most of my friends received their letters at the end of January. When is the honors application due?</p>

<p>Just looked at application on <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;, it states that the application must be postmarked by the date indicated on your invitation letter. Does this mean that they’re inviting people in stages? Cuz two of my friends that i know applied have to turn in their applications by tomorow but this seems to say that there is more than one possible due date</p>

<p>They do invite people at different times, and your due date depends on when your invitation letter is sent out. Still, if you applied to VT at the same time as, or before, your friends, it wouldn’t hurt to call and make sure you haven’t fallen through the cracks.</p>

<p>looks like I’ll give them a call tomorow. @HoComom, you wouldn’t happen to be from Howard Co. Maryland would you?</p>