Too late?

<p>Kinda ridiculous, but is it too late to change your major if you are waiting for Fall 2011 Decisions?</p>

<p>yes, if you get accepted in a school you could possibly change majors then, but for right now you cant.</p>

<p>ouch, I wanted to try and get out of an impacted major to a non impacted major</p>

<p>Whats your majors and stats for the schools you applied to?</p>

<p>econ, dont have the prereqs done but will have them done by the end of this semester.
3.6 gpa, igetc, no tag (so stupid)
really want to go to UCSB or UCSD</p>

<p>you could get into UCSB Econ with that</p>

<p>dont worry and put too much thought into not hearing anything back from them yet.</p>

that’s what i like to hear</p>