Too many internships?

<p>I worked 3 internships this summer and I'm wondering if this looks bad to employers as being spread too thin or not committed, or possible that each internship was not fulfilling enough. What are your guy's take on this?</p>

<p>3 internships over 3 years is not bad. but doing 3 internships over one summer is suspicous. if someone told you they worked 3 internships over the summer, wouldn't you be curious how they did that? like did they just word 12 hours a week at each of them? and if so, how much could they really get out a of a job for just 12 hours a week. or did you just spend one month working full time at each of them. that is also suspicious..why did they bounce around so much in such a short period of time. find a a way to explain your situation either on a resume, cover letter, or app.</p>