Too much... "school spirit"???

<p>Well, this is sure to catch attention, and is controversial, I know... but I'm gonna ask it anyway:</p>

<p>Is there <em>too much</em> school spirit at Duke? Are sports larger than life and taking over conversations and social lives? Does anyone feel it gets out of hand sometimes? To the expense of intelectual pursuits?</p>

<p>Just wondering... not trying to imply anything, just polling for (unbiased) opinions. I know you can't have too much of a good thing, but still curious...</p>

<p>Haha no, I don't think so. People are pretty intense about the school spirit thing freshman year but it gets to be less and less of a big deal as the years go on. I just graduated and I actually know more than a few people who never made it to a single basketball game (or their first game was the senior game). People like Duke and some do go crazy come basketball season but the majority of people are also smart enough to realize that blind school spirit is kind of...dumb.</p>

<p>Antime a Dukie gets too cocky about their sports team all you need to do is ask them how the football team is doing.</p>

<p>Seriously, incollege88 has it pegged pretty well.</p>

<p>r you kidding? duke basketball is as good as it gets. plus the duke unc rivalry is arguably the biggest rivalry in sports.

<p>Duke sports are actually really good in that they don't get too commercialized. In talking to my RC who just came from UNC he compared their basketball program to ours by saying that UNC is a little too "NBA" but we are definately a college program at heart.</p>