Top Colleges without AP Calc?

<p>Has anyone gotten into a top college without taking an AP Calculus course? I know this may sound like a stupid question (I'm sure someone out there got in without AP Calc,) but in one of my previous posts some people made it seem as if AP Calc was really important to some top universities.</p>


<p>Sure they do. None of the public schools in my part of New York State offer AP Calc and all of them send kids to the Ivies and other top schools every year. Now, this doesn't mean they don't offer Calculus, but the course is usually SUNY accredited rather than a College Board course. The majority of kids do take one or more of these courses, but there are a good number who do not opt to go beyond Pre-Calc who nonetheless are admitted to Cornell, Columbia and other top schools.</p>

<p>I took Calc 1+2 and a bunch of other math courses to make it up at Harvard if that even counts. I didn't take AP Calc in my highschool.</p>

<p>Just so you know, almost 95% of all the kids who got into really great colleges at our school took AP Calc and got like an A or A+ in it. Its almost like a gimme. That is, if you can fit it into your schedule.</p>