Top Journalism Schools

i got into columbia, northwestern, and berkeley (the only places i applied). i am very seriously considering berkeley over the others, and i know many, many people who chosen it over columbia as well.</p>

<p>and in fact, it has a lower acceptance rate than columbia. so, no, mshaddal was not kidding.</p>

<p>I suspect Berkeley's grad schools all have lower acceptance rates because they have a greater matriculation rate -- a lot of West Coast people apply who want to stay on the West Coast. Also, if these people get accepted, they'll often choose it over Columbia or Medill because it is CHEAPER -- especially if you're a Calif. resident. Columbia and NU on the other hand draws more applicants who are going to shop around.</p>

<p>Unless you want to work on the West Coast, or cost is a big factor, there's no way I'd pick Berkeley over Columbia or Medill. </p>

<p>I still don't think those people's resumes are very impressive.</p>

<p>Youngdud- congrats!
If you do not mind me asking, what are your stats? Did you have any prior experience? </p>

<p>What about Emerson in Boston? I visited their campus back in September and I was impressed with their broadcasting department. WERS which is Emerson's public radio station is top rate with a pretty large listening audience. Though I am more interested in online/print journalism and I am unclear about their print program.</p>

<p>hey, its meghna .. frm india... its been my dream to study journalism, PR, Media Relations in the US.. i'm currently in my last semester (software engineering).. i knw its nt de riguer but this is wat i want.. do i stand a chance..? wat shld i be doing to better my chances..?? HELP..!</p>

<p>The absolute best journalism progrma in the world is the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. It is the only Ivy League journalism program. </p>

<p>The schools with the best undergraduate journalism programs are:
University of Maryland, Phillip Merill College of Journalism
Northwestern University, Medill School of Journalism
Syracuse University, S.I. Newhosue School of Public Communications</p>

<p>apparently the writer above has not yet discovered the mississippi river or anything west of it.</p>

<p>to leave missouri and annenberg out of any elite list is beyond imagination.</p>

<p>But according to Berkeley's website, the average GRE (V) is 610. It's not easy but I wouldn't call it "super hard" to get in.</p>

Thnx a ton..! u wudnt believe how hard it is to get any info here in india.. My GPA sucks.. around 3.5 something but my gre score is 1450 so.. "fingers crossed"
Annenberg and NYU r my top schools but the fees r rite up there in the sky...
any idea abt top but not so expensive schools...??

<p>hows Brown University?</p>

<p>I've noticed everyone has left out American in Washington D.C., why is that ? It's been ranked the #1 journalism school in the nation according to Read, Write, Think, Speak. Just so everyone is aware, keep in mind there are no official ranking for journalism schools, certain sites/magazines make unofficial rankings. On top of that, it doesn't matter as much in journalism as where you go, what matters is your writing & abilities. I'm going into broadcast journalism and from reporters in Atlanta at CNN, not all went to top programs. Just a thought. I'm applying to transfer to either American, Miami, NYU, New School, or Tennessee.</p>

<p>totally agree. AU has long had a distinguished program perhaps overlooked because it is smaller than the gigantic programs of distinction like missouri and texas. it long has had solid ties with the washington news establishment, though many of the elite programs maintain visibility in the capital via various means and programs.</p>

<p>Is NYU a good journalism school? I was interested in applying there because the other school in which I am interested, UFlorida, requires 60 hours to transfer...which is too long to wait for me. :(</p>

<p>Dear All, </p>

<p>I am interested in pursuing a course in jounalism ,IS their a body wehich releases the list of best J school across the globe .I am interested in getting into broadcast journalism and sports beat .Please guide me through in terms of choosing an institute from US and UK</p>

<p>i was thinking about attending miami? i want to be a entertainment reporter, whats a good school for me?</p>

<p>i've heard great things about the university of florida for journalism graduate programs. i'm looking for a specific degree with an emphasis in Public Relations. Any tips or ideas of good colleges to look at? Or places for summer internships? I currently go to a university in Nebraska so any help i can get on here would be great, because our advisors and professors do not help with the internship process and so far haven't been too helpful with my looking into graduat programs either.

<p>Hi everyone, first just wanted to say good forum and good advice. I have a question if anyone can answer or give me some help.</p>

<p>I am a U.S. Marine Combat Correspondent (hence 4341) with a BA from Michigan State University. I am looking at masters programs right now, and really have only applied back at my alma mater because I like it there and it will be near my home (where I haven't been for over four years).</p>

<p>Does anyone know of a program that offers any kind of specialization in war correspondence or a faculty that will be proactive in helping me craft a degree path helpful to my desired career?</p>

<p>Tuition is not really an issue as I have the GI Bill that will pay for pretty much everything, and give me a stipend as well. To be honest I might just get another undergrad degree after this MJ just to blow whatever I have left over.</p>

<p>Chops and clips aren't an issue either as I have hundreds of photos, articles and broadcast pieces that have run in many regional and national news outlets and magazines. I want to focus on print and still photography, i.e. photojournalism, as I am just not a huge fan of broadcast.</p>

<p>Ultimately I am looking at making connections so I can either freelance out of combat zones or work for one of the press agencies sending correspondents into the CZs.</p>

<p>I am deployed right now so I have somewhat limited and sporadic access to internet, so any help from the forum would be a great boon to me.</p>

<p>Thanks all.</p>

<p>Hey Everybody..</p>

<p>Im from India.My resume is pretty strong with varied extra curricular activities and I have internships with a leading newspaper and an international magazine. My GPAs are pretty decent and I have already applied to Florida,Northwestern,Minnesota and Boston.</p>

<p>Do you think I stand a fair chance at these universities?Or should I apply to more as backups?</p>

<p>I need a super fast reply as there is very less time on hand for international applications.</p>


<p>Not to burst your bubble but this looks to be a dead thread. At least nobody is answering my questions. Good luck though.</p>

<p>I'm trying to decide between Missouri-Columbia, American, Boston U, Indiana and Michigan State. I would most like to attend Missouri or American, but I don't know if Missouri's prestige outweighs American's location. I would like to pursue international affairs/political reporting.</p>


<p>missouri has a washington reporting program and many alumni and internships in the capital.</p>