Top Scholar day?

<p>Received UFE rejection letter and it mentions upcoming Top Scholar Day and other opportunities will be discussed at that. DD just went to Capstone Day this weekend, how is Top Scholar different. It is something we should go to?</p>

<p>Sorry to hear about the UFE rejection. That program gets a gazillion apps, and such a tiny number get chosen.</p>

<p>A year or two ago, Bama initiated the Top Scholar Day at Bama. I’m not sure what the test score cut-off is for this, but I’m guessing about an ACT 32+. I imagine that the school discusses research opps and other opps that would appeal to the cream of the crop. </p>

<p>Hopefully, someone who attended last year can provide some details. Since this may be the 2nd year of hosting this, I imagine that some tweaks will be in store for this year. You know how new things go…each year corrections/additions are made.</p>

<p>While TSD is a smaller event than CSD, the two events didn’t seem terribly different when our oldest attended in 2011. M2CK is correct about research opportunities having been discussed, but we didn’t feel we walked away with anything new even though we enjoyed our day in Tuscaloosa. If your student has an empty college visit day they can afford to use then there is no harm in using it, but I wouldn’t worry otherwise.</p>

<p>We were not able to attend Capstone. Will we miss out if we don’t attend TSD? We live 9 hrs away, so a quick trip isn’t feasible. Will we get all the info at Honors BB?</p>

<p>One of my friends attended CSDay this year and found it to be very informative even tho she knows a lot about Bama.</p>

<p>However, since you’re coming from a distance, only you can decide if it’s worth it.</p>

<p>What are the dates?</p>

<p>We did both last year. By the time Top Scholar day rolled around, my son has already decided on UA so it was more of an excuse to visit campus once again and kind of look at it from a different perspective (i.e now that I am going where is what, etc.) It seems like we picked up a little more info, but nothing earth shattering. Basically it is a last push for those still on the fence to lure them the choose UA.</p>

<p>If UA is a lock in for your DS/DD then it can be skipped with no impact. You will get loads of info at Bama Bound.</p>

<p>Does anyone know the date? DS is still on the fence and also received the letter. I think another visit would be good for him.</p>

<p>Congrats to your DD for making it this far with UFE. It is a great accomplishment when you consider the number of high stats kids that did not even make it to the Phone interviews. If she knows she is coming to Bama, I will agree with many others, that Top Scholars day is not enough of a different visit to warrant a trip.</p>

<p>Will all honors accepted students invited to top scholar day?</p>

<p>Honors students are ACT 28+, so I don’t think all get invited.</p>

<p>I think the “top scholars” would be around an ACT 32+ (maybe even higher?). Even if that’s the threshold, not sure if invites would reach every student. However, if your child has a top score, then contact whoever is sponsoring this (Scholarships???) and request an invite.</p>

<p>I know that my Calif nephew didn’t get an invite to CSDay a few years ago, so he just called and got an invite. </p>

<p>I often wonder if there is a mileage radius that is used to determine auto-invites. Not sure.</p>

<p>So a student has to request for an invite to the Top Scholar’s Day? My son is a NMSF and has ACT34. He is accepted to the Engineering College, should we request the invite from HC or EC.</p>

<p>thank you</p>

<p>I remember my D getting an invite to TSD a couple of years ago. IIRC it was the first Monday in March. We had already planned to make a final visit to the school the week before during her spring break so we didn’t change plans in order to attend. She had already attended CSD.</p>

<p>From what UFE rejection letter said it sounded like she should get an invite to TSD. I don’t know if that is the case. It just seems since it was mentioned that other opportunities would be discussed at TSD and not to be discouraged because you didn’t get UFE.</p>

<p>*So a student has to request for an invite to the Top Scholar’s Day? My son is a NMSF and has ACT34. He is accepted to the Engineering College, should we request the invite from HC or EC.</p>

<p>thank you*</p>

<p>I think it’s a mix of both. I think Bama sends out invites to certain high-stats students for some reason…maybe they live w/in X number of hours from the school? I don’t know. I do think that if you WEREN’T invited and you have high stats, then contact Scholarships and see if you can get an invite. If Scholarships isn’t hosting this, then they can tell you who is. </p>

<p>Ask Amber at
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Or contact your regional recruiter.</p>

<p>CLBamaMom, my D also received a letter like that her year. Only we got them the day before we left for CSD. It brought a tinge of disappointment to the trip but we shook it off. She hadn’t even visited the school yet and she really fell in love with it that weekend. We wondered when TSD was and asked our recruiter about it after receiving the UFE letter but I don’t think it was even scheduled at that point. Hopefully you will have more lead time. </p>

<p>What I really want to say is not to be too discouraged for not getting into UFE. There are so many opportunities at Alabama.</p>

<p>Fortunately rejection letter wasn’t received til after we got home. She really wasn’t expecting to get UFE but it was worth trying. so she took it in stride. She was more excited that Dr Morgan remembered her by name from her visit in Sept and spoke with her about her college plans. She also had a great visit within her college. I think there will be good opportunities within her major for her. I’m trying to determine if TSD is really worth the expense to go</p>

<p>TSD is “a personlized in-depth visit with the Honors College,” so they would be the ones to contact.</p>