Top Scholars Day

<p>Son just got an invitation to Top Scholars Day. I have read through the forum on the past years’ and it sounds like we aren’t going to learn anything new, but trying to decide whether to go anyway despite it being a little pricey for a day from the DC area. The reason I am thinking of it is he also (boo) got a letter telling him that he did not advance to finalist in the Fellows competition and he and I had been hoping he would and that he would have a chance to meet a room mate that way. He has a good pick time but would prefer to meet the people vs relying on Facebook etc.</p>

<p>So for those of you who have been in the past- is it the kind of thing where there is enough mingling that you would end up with a roomie, or should he try and figure it out another way?</p>

<p>I know he might not like the Facebook method, but I met my roommate (I’ll be a freshman next year as well) last September on the Class of 2017 page, and I’m flying down to (finally!) meet her on Thursday. We’ve become super close by skyping and texting, that its weird to think we met over Facebook. </p>

<p>I went to Scholars day last month, and while there certainly was interaction amongst students, I didn’t think there was enough time to talk to someone enough to be roommates. </p>

<p>On a side note, I also received notification that I wasn’t a finalist, so I feel your pain. Was really hoping to get it.</p>

<p>While we didn’t go to TSD last year, I have to assume it is a smaller group than CSD. Not sure how much interaction there is among the potential students but you might be able to find that out from contacting the Honors College. </p>

<p>My D found her roommates from a combination of Roommate Finder, FB and, well, her mom being on CC. But FB was used more for communication after connecting through Roommate Finder, rather than as a filter for the FB group. As for CC, a couple of us talked behind the scenes and directed our kids to each other’s Roommate Finder profiles. They took it from there (for the most part).</p>

<p>Congrats on the Top Scholars invite. So sorry you weren’t chosen for UFE. There is another program that you may hear about very soon called “Emerging Scholars”. It’s a one year research project. There are many, many opportunities at Bama. Good luck to you all!</p>

<p>It looks like he might actually talk on FB to one of the sons from here. Not sure if deciding which one to talk to based on musical tastes is a wise choice, but at least it is a start (and so the mom with the son who likes country will know why he didn’t get in touch with her son first).</p>

<p>My D applied for CBHP and UFE last year and was not accepted to either. two of her first rejections for anything. it was hard for her then, but she’s moved past it. She was excited to be invited to apply for Emerging
Scholars, and then be accepted practically overnight.</p>

<p>As a parent, I can’t recommend the Emerging Scholars program highly enough. My daughter is a sophomore this year. Last year they accepted so many students into the program that half did their overview fall semester and research in the spring, while half did the overview in spring and research this past fall.</p>

<p>DD was in the MDB freshman year, so she started Emerging Scholars last spring. She’s continuing her research with Dr. Earley’s lab this semester, and plans to work in his lab the rest of her undergrad years. </p>

<p>She’s going to become SCUBA certified this summer so she can go on one of his research trips to Costa Rica.</p>

<p>It’s been a wonderful experience for her. </p>

<p>[Emerging</a> Scholars](<a href=“"]Emerging”></p>

<p>Thanks for posting, BamaMom. Your D was the student that I was thinking of when I posted about Emerging Scholars. Sounds like a fabulous opportunity. Glad your D is doing well. </p>

<p>Emerging Scholars is great to put on the resume when your student is looking for summer research opportunities.</p>

<p>We were also wondering about Top Scholars Day. Is this targeted towards students that have not decided yet or is there more substance for students that have already decided. We have done University Days, an private Honors College visit, the Honors College Visit with the Dean event, & the Capstone Scholar days.</p>

<p>My son has already decided on UA and we have paid all deposits and signed up for Bama Bound…just wondering if we will get anything more from Top Scholars Day.</p>


<p>twomutts, I don’t think your son will miss out by passing on TSD if it is inconvenient to come. My D didn’t go last year. She specifically asked Dean Sharpe about it because we already had a visit set up the week before including an HC tour and several meetings. He assured her that she’d be fine to not change plans and just stick with the prior arranged visit.</p>

<p>I am a little confused by the encouragement to pursue Emerging Scholars as a backup to Fellows. When I look at it online, it looks to me more like CBH than Fellows. My son was specifically interested in the service opportunities through Fellows and there isn’t any of that in Emerging Scholars, is there? Any thoughts on how he can get involved with service (particular interest is education in disadvantaged areas) at Bama?</p>

<p>I agree, tjmom, that I normally think of Emerging Scholars and CBH as both research opportunities and look at UFE as more service/leadership-related. </p>

<p>Getting involved with service can be done in a number of ways. The Honors College has opportunities as well as various organizations on campus. Some are formed just for service purposes while others serve in addition to other activities. I noticed that some of the honors societies also have service opportunities. If your student is interested in joining a local church, there are typically many opportunities through campus ministries as well.</p>

<p>tjmom, this is off the subject but wanted to make sure your son knew about this course </p>

Bricks to Books
UH 120 005 18374
This course addresses educational challenges from a practical perspective. Students will have the opportunity to hear guest speakers experienced in the field and then gain practical experience through the planning and implementation of important educational concepts and ideas. Having served as a teacher, principal, appointed and elected school board member, and founding board member of multiple non-profits, Ms. Jones is poised to challenge, inspire, and inform students from a pragmatic and realistic

<p>Another parent shared that in that class they had great speakers and the students tutored at a local elementary school</p>

<p>That sounds great- thanks so much. He has been working over a year with a young girl (I can’t remember how old she is, either just turned 7 or 8) on her English as her parents speak either heavily accented English (Mom) or no English (Dad) and he will miss doing that. </p>

<p>I read somewhere else about an opportunity to work with kids on Chess. Anyone know what that program is called?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>tjmom, ProudBamaMama and I were chatting and she said that her son does a program called Al’s Pals. I never heard of it but it seems exactly like what your son wants to do. </p>

<p>[Community</a> Service Center](<a href=“]Community”></p>

<p>tjmom, I just sent you a PM. :)</p>

<p>Thanks to both the public posters and the PMs. There appear to be lots of service opportunities that he would enjoy. May be hard to decide which to do and not over commit!</p>

<p>My D is involved in Hands over Tuscaloosa. They do wonderful things for the community. They do several events to get kids invoved during WOW week.</p>

<p>Also if your son decides to participate in Greek Life I highly recommend Alabama Greek Mission! they do a trip every year right after 1st semester finals to Nicaragua. This year they built a house, and threw a Christmas party for the orphans at the mission. Honestly, it changed my daughter profoundly. Now she is involved with fund raising and with expanding from building one house to hopefully 3 if they can raise enough money.
Take a look at the website: Greek life is not just about parties and social. Bama’ Greek life really does encourage those involved to give back.
[Alabama</a> Greek Missions](<a href=“]Alabama”></p>