Totally screweed big time

<p>ah.. just took PRs chem practice test and got around 500.. </p>

<p>pretty much screwed i'm going over the answers and I understand why I missed all those.... (hope its not harder than PRs)</p>

<p>I'm takin SAT I again in December.
if I apply regular decision can i take SAT IIs again in Jan. and rush the scores in??? to the colleges??</p>

<p>I totally understand where you're coming from. It sucks! I can't help you at all, but it's nice to know that someone's in the same boat is me. =D</p>

<p>It depends on the college. Most colleges that I'm looking at have the deadline for SATs at something like 12/31 or early January, so I can take the Decemeber test (Check out the colleges that you want to apply to; usually you can get the info on in your profile).</p>

<p>thanks guys... wow I wanna cry</p>

<p>I Am Screwed</p>

<p>Do you need to have a science SAT II? Maybe you could switch to a different subject test or just skip the test all together.</p>

<p>I have to have SAT IIs and yes i believe that I need to have Science.. and chemistry is only subject that I actually know some stuffs about it.. this is really depressing.. idk if i should contact colleges even if they posted thd deadline for SAT is 1st of Jan</p>

<p>Where are you applying?</p>

<p>UPenn wharton schools.. and some other business schools.. I belive I have to have 2 subject tests</p>

<p>I might as well just study as hard as i can.. im taking both math iic and chem tomorrow and im studying those with Princeton reviews.. do you know anything about it? are they pretty close to real tests??</p>

<p>ohgeez. you need to have good scores then! I personally hate PR, btw. =D</p>

<p>i might as well just take SATs in january and send the scores in even if they dont accept it lol i mean they notify us in April. and I am sending scores in January.. what Is wrong with it u know</p>

<p>I need my scores now because I'm applying ED.. good times. =D</p>



<p>just sleep well and do your best and retake if possible</p>

<p>Nice, o-cool. I like your way of thinking. =D</p>

<p>retake SATII's in december and take ACT in december. cover your bases.</p>