<p>ok, so i sent out th counselor rec/transcript letter to MIT on october 23rd, and it has NOT been processed as of today (nov 13) according to my mit account app tracking page. So is this normal? i know it takes them a long time to process mail, but 3 weeks seems ridiculous. both of my teacher recs, on the other hand, showed up as processed within a week of sending them. also, is there anyone at mit i could contact to find out?</p>
<p>You COULD call or email I guess, but I had a similar question and mollieb said not to worry yet. Also, Matt McGann just posted a blog (yesterday I think) saying not to do anything yet, they’re still processing mail. Mollieb can answer for sure, but I’m pretty sure that all means don’t worry about all that stuff yet.</p>
<p>lol i sent it out earlier than that and they’ve just processed it TODAY</p>
<p>so i wouldn’t worry about it!</p>
<p>lol my teachers sent it the day before deadline… go figure…</p>
<p>they havent received it yet (according my my account update)</p>
<p>You might want to check out this blog entry by Matt: [MIT</a> Admissions | Blog Entry: “Admissions updates”](<a href=“http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/misc/miscellaneous/admissions_updates_1.shtml]MIT”>http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/misc/miscellaneous/admissions_updates_1.shtml)</p>
<p>But seriously, don’t worry about it. After all the mail is processed, MIT will contact you if they’re missing something so you can resend it.</p>
<p>Don’t worry, and there’s no need to contact MIT to find out where your stuff is. I talked to Matt on Tuesday night, and he said they have giant amounts of mail left to process.</p>
<p>If your stuff is genuinely missing after Matt posts his “we’re done with the mail” blog entry, you can have your GC fax the missing material to MIT, no problem.</p>
<p>Do you know if they process it in pieces? My guidance counselor sent in transcripts, secondary school report, and two teacher recs all in one package on the 24th.</p>
<p>One teacher rec clocked in on Saturday, and the rest are still pending.</p>
<p>I’m actually not strictly sure how the records office processes applications – it’s certainly possible that one person processes all of the transcripts, and another all of the school reports, or something like that. </p>
<p>Of course, if all of your stuff was sent in one package, I think you can be pretty confident that it’s all at MIT, regardless of what the application tracker says.</p>
<p>same thing has happened to me… and it’s only with my transcript that this is happening. I’m trying not to be nervous because I know they say it takes a long time, but I really hope it gets processed soon as it’s been a full 2 weeks.</p>
<p>Same situation here. My interpretation of step 4 in this entry…</p>
<p>[MIT</a> Admissions | Blog Entry: “Where’s My Stuff?”](<a href=“http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/apply/the_selection_process_application_reading_committee_and_decisions/wheres_my_stuff.shtml]MIT”>http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/apply/the_selection_process_application_reading_committee_and_decisions/wheres_my_stuff.shtml)</p>
<p>is that our documents could definitely be separated even if they were sent together, which means it makes sense that some would show up before others.</p>
<p>I really hope!
(if they END UP being in the right place)</p>
<p>same here, everything processed except my transcript. i’m not too worried… i’ll only start worrying when they’ve processed all the mail.</p>
<p>I spent a couple of hours sorting application materials last week…and seriously, there was a whole effing lot of it. 3 weeks really isn’t that unreasonable. You’re just spoiled by the internet and the age of instant gratification. Every year Matt will signal when you should start “freaking out” by posting an entry saying that everything has been processed and if your application is still missing things, you should just resend it and it won’t be held against you (hence why “freaking out” is in quotes). So just chill out until then. Apply to some other schools. Read a book. Whatever. =)</p>
<p>thanks guys…that makes me feel so much better :)</p>
<p>mine was processed yesterday!</p>
<p>LUCKY lol…</p>
<p>YES finally EVERYTHING has been processed!!</p>
<p>nice…transcript finally processed!</p>
<p>Almost all the way there. Only one recommendation left that they still haven’t processed! As soon as they do I think I will finally be able to sleep soundly.</p>