<p>Um i want to apply to the Boston college as a transfer student in the fall of 2010. I am currently going to attend Bryant University to study business law Major in accounting minor in legal stuides. First semester of freshman year i am taking mathematics of finance, introduction to business, Intro to liberal arts, introduction to global politics, introductiont to college ( easy class) and micro economics this totals out to 16 credits. I plan on dropping intro to global politics so that i can have 5 classes and study for 4. I’ll be under the requirement for Bryant but im more worried about getting good grades. In high school i didn’t get good results till senior year because i finally was able to figure out what worked for me and what didn’t. Fresh-sophmore year i got overall averages ranged from 85-89 but senior year my averages is 89-95. No one told me what to do since i never had someone to ask. But now i know what works for me. I didn’t get good sats either so that might hurt my chances. If i get above a 3.5 gpa in college would BC be a good choice and if so would dropping introduction to global politcs be better for me or worse. I talked to a guy from bc he said that a 3.0 would allow me to apply but if i get above a 3.5 i’ll be in the competitive pool. Plz help i want a good future</p>
<p>You have to have a minimum gpa of 3.5 to apply to BC as a transfer student</p>
<p>well i talked to someone they said that in order to transfer you need a 3.0 but if you get a 3.5 you will be in the competitive pool</p>
<p>Yeah - they say 3.0 but you really have to have a 3.5 in order to have a chance. You need to have strong extra curriculars as well too.</p>
<p>if i get a 3.5 and participate in alot of extracarricular activities then i would get in right. I dont have high sat’s just enough to get into bryant and my gpa is allright in hs. If i do that then would i have a chance</p>
<p>I had a 3.2 and got in.</p>
<p>Put it this way, 3.5 is a good bench mark gpa to have. If you have a lower gpa you can get in if your SAT’s are high or something like a great essay or good recs helps you out. Having a higher gpa can’t hurt you.</p>
<p>ya my sat’s aren’t that great so i plan on participating in a lot of activities and getting above a 3.5</p>