Hi! I’m a current freshman going to be sophomore, and I’m confining in College Confidential because I need some outsider opinion. Last year I was between two schools and went with the second one on an impulsive decision (which I soon learned to regret), because while I was there, I became very depressed for a substantial amount of reasons: fine print on my major wasn’t good, lack of a pre-law program, didn’t see myself graduating there in four years, felt smarter than my peers (this was probably from my drive).
I did all the work and research to convince my parents to let me transfer to my home university and then I would commute. The sorority I rushed at my previous university let me transfer my membership to the chapter at my home university, so there’s that. But, my parents will not let me move out of the house, and I really miss the ‘college experience’ of living on campus and being around friends all the time. Their reasoning? I’d have to pay for it, and I have space to myself so why should they pay so much for my to live around 12 minutes away.
Which… eventually led me to the decision that I should try transferring again to regain the college experience and actually enjoy these upcoming three years, rather living in the basement. I’ve researched two schools, my top choice and another school that was on the list. I’ve always talked about how I wanted to get out of my hometown for college and experience life somewhere else and now I am stuck in my hometown.
I have no idea how to bring this up to my parents or what I should do about it. Part of me feels like I’m just going crazy from COVID-19, but I’m reminded that I’ve felt this way a good chunk of the semester (even prior to COVID-19’s existence).
Side note: I work a minimum wage barista position and it would be extremely difficult to move out on my own.