Transfer Admissions Decision

<p>Hey guys, I submitted my transfer application for Fall of 2013 today. I was just wondering based on previous years or other student's experiences how quickly I might expect a decision. Transfer applications just began on September 15th I believe. Also, I had all my transcripts (both High School and College) sent today as well as my Letter of Recommendation. </p>

<p>Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Barrons, I am aware of the deadline for when they have to let us know.</p>

<p>I was thinking more along the lines of the earliest I might receive notice.</p>

<p>In the flyer that Barrons pointed you to, it says end of April, which is consistent with last year. Deadline isn’t until Feb., and although I don’t work in the office that makes the decisons, I believe they’ll want to see the pool before starting to make decisions.</p>

<p>Patience is required. It is not “first come, first served”, they may judge your credentials as an easy admit or wait until they have first semester’s grades to decide. It is different than incoming freshmen because they are not limited by the “class size”. They also are spending time on the HS students’ applications, yours is not high priority even though you are anxious for a decision.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info, everyone.</p>