Transfer Admissions

Hey everybody. Last year I got deferred, then denied from Wisconsin and ended up at the University of Arizona. I had a high school GPA of a 3.45 unweighted at a prestigious private school in Texas. My ACT was a 28 composite but if you did superscore, it would be a 30, even though UW does not do this. Anyways, after my denial, I got a 5 on the macroeconomics AP exam, a 4 on the BC Calculus AP exam along with a 5 subscore for AB. My extracurriculars were above average as I finished with over 650 community service hours in high school. The point is, I believe my GPA was the main factor that was holding me back last year from getting in. I am applying for a transfer from the University of Arizona and I am a little concerned, just because Arizona isn’t a very prestigious university. On the other hand, I am working towards a 4.0 or a 3.8 as the worst case scenario. I am also heavily involved around campus and taking 17 units this semester. What are my chances I get in and what can I do to increase those odds? Also, let’s use this forum for transfer materials and important deadlines along with any other questions.

A high college gpa should offset the lesser HS one. It looks like you have settled down/learned how to study- whatever it takes to be a successful college student. Keep up the academics- get top grades (perfection isn’t necessary). Indicate interest and it should work out.