Transfer- Chance/Help?!!

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>I am currently a sophomore at USC. I am looking to transfer schools. Unfortunately my GPA tanked this semester, and now I have a 3.1, which does NOT make me competitive as a transfer for top tier colleges. I am VERY interested in transferring to Colorado College, but my GPA is pretty low (just below there 3.2 and above transfer application standard). I am involved with other things on campus, and I can get a decent teacher rec and write a decent essay. MY HS stats are good, but won't count for anything. Should I try community college for a semester to bring grades up and apply after? Would I have too many credits then though (60+)? Take the semester off and "find myself" or something? Do I have a chance at all?</p>

<p>Any opinions? If anybody can help me out with how to try to get into CC, what they are looking for mostly, who to contact to talk about my situation, or what to do about transferring to top colleges as a whole (not shooting for Ivy or anything,) I'd really appreciate it. I don't care if its through the back door, the front, or whatever, I just need help getting into CC.


<p>First, Merry Christmas (if that’s your thing).</p>

<p>Did you see the responses to your other post?
I agree with monydad and Erin’s Dad in that thread. It would be good to identify more clearly what is not working for you at USC and what you are really looking for in another school.</p>

<p>There is no secret formula for getting in when your stats are not competitive. I don’t know for sure whether a 3.1x from USC will or won’t rule out transfer to CC. As you realize, even if it won’t, it is not high enough to make you a sure thing. So, it can only help (at CC or elsewhere) to be clear about why you want to transfer, why you are interested in this specific school, and what you think you have to offer. A desperate tone probably won’t make for a good sales pitch.</p>

<p>From what you’ve written in your 2 posts, I do think your best option is to give USC more time while you wait for a response to transfer apps. It’s a good school even if it isn’t the perfect fit for you. Put extra effort into choosing good courses and professors for the Spring term.</p>

<p>Thank you, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you as well!</p>

<p>Thanks for the response, I replied to the other post, so I’ll just paste what I said below which clarifies what’s not working. I’ve now gotten to the point where its either gonna be a gap semester abroad or back at SC. Just don’t know which would be the healthier option still…</p>

<p>Well over the past year and half I’ve come to discover that there is a lot more I want to get out of college than an academic education. I’ve come to value whatever makes me happy the most and my happiness I’ve found is based off of the people that surround me and my geographic environment the most. I love the outdoors, the rain (weather in general), coffee shops, and adventure. SC doesn’t really cater to any of those. As for the people aspect, I’m looking for more down to earth, “chill”, adventurous, liberal-leaning people that like being open minded, just casually shootin’-the-**** at a bar or passing around the bowl or something (yes, I said bowl as in weed, I’m trying to be honest.) but still intelligent and academic-minded. I feel CC has most of those components in its student body and a perfect geographic environment around it for me which is why I am so interested in CC in particular. I’ve found (not absolutely everybody of course) that SC really fosters a sense of shallowness, social climbing, and arrogance that I hate. I do thoroughly enjoy partying, which is great at SC; its just that stereotypical type of social climbing, fratty, rich daddy’s girls that make it seem like high school that I don’t like partying WITH though. Ya, there’s the artsy kids too, but I don’t really fit there either. I have been in the greek scene, then dropped out, I’m on the ski club, I’ve tried things, trust me… it just feels off still but I don’t know where to go/where I can get in that will fill in that “gap” im feeling. </p>

<p>I really enjoy smaller, discussion based classes which I know I can get at SC still, but I strayed away from the LACs originally mostly because I hated my small Orange County K-8 school, and loved my HUGE public Long Beach high school, so I thought such a small school would be stifling and leave me with less options. However, I am totally willing to give em another look.</p>

<p>My major is not set in stone for me, so I am willing to give wiggle room for my undergraduate studies a little. I plan on going to grad school for business, so anything that is in the journalism, film, comm., philosophy realm I would love to study and get a background in for undergrad.</p>

<p>Sorry this is SO long, I’m just still in a pickle here as to what to do next. Thanks!</p>