<p>Applying to: University of Virginia (UVA), William and Mary, and Virginia Tech
Current University: Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)</p>
<p>High School GPA: 3.45 (Can't remember whether it was unweighted or weighted)
SAT Score: Reading - 650, Math - 580, Writing - 540
1230/1600 or 1770/2400
Sat II Mathematics Level I: 600
Sat II U.S. History: 600</p>
<p>From 9-12th grade, each year I had at least 5 honors courses. My senior year of High School I had 5 honors, 1 AP Spanish, and 1 college prep.</p>
<p>1st Semester College GPA: 4.0 (Took 15 credits)</p>
<p>Principal EC's:
Center for Information Technology Student:
My high school had a "specialty center" which specialized in IT. Only 30 kids of my 340 person graduating class was a part of it. In this Center, all the courses we took were Honors level, and were unavailable to anyone outside the Center.</p>
<p>Key Club Member (10-12th grade)
Beta Club Member (12th grade)
Played the Violin (Since the age of 6, I am now 18)
Black Belt in Karate (Took me 6 1/2 years to achieve this rank)</p>
<p>Internship at Fortune 500 Company, Genworth Financial:
I interned here over the Summer of 06' and 07'. While doing an internship here, I helped with designing internal webpages for their corporate offices, as well as doing database work.</p>
<p>Student in VCU's Honors College:
In my University they have an "Honors College" with you need a minimum GPA of a 3.5 to apply to, as well as taking 15 credits or more, and participating in clubs. Only 0.04% (1,300 of a total 30,000) of students in my college are in the Honors College.</p>
<p>Currently I am in my second semester of my Freshmen year, and this semester I am taking 16 credits. Most of my classes are related to what UVA wants for a transfer student.</p>
<p>This is my exact course schedule for the 1st and 2nd semester:</p>
<p>1st Semester:
English 101
Psychology 101
History 104
Physics 101
Physics Lab </p>
<p>(Total of 15 credits), I got a 4.0 GPA.</p>
<p>2nd Semester:<a href="Ends%20on%20May%205th%202008">/U</a>
English 201
Anthropology 103
Spanish 201
Math 200 (Calculus Level 1)
Biology 101</p>
<p>(Total of 16 credits)</p>
<p>I am aiming for another 4.0 this semester. I have sent a letter of recommendation from my English professor (I had the same English professor for both 101, and 201, so he knew me best) to both William and Mary and UVA.</p>
<p>I know my High School GPA isn't that great, nor my SATs, but I really worked hard to turn it around in college. I know that colleges like to see improvement, and I really hope they see that with me. I'm not taking any "easy" classes, all the courses I'm taking, and have taken so far are considered "rigorous" correct? Keep in mind, I am transferring after my freshmen year.</p>
<p>What do you think my chances are at UVA, William and Mary, and Virginia Tech?</p>