<p>I am a freshman at Berkeley (out of state) and for reasons I won't explicate here, I am seeking to transfer to a university in the North East. I applied for transfer to Harvard, MIT, Columbia, and Cornell. I can't stop worrying about the admission decision, and wanted some opinions on my chances of admission. Especially since I see people post here about being contacted by Harvard about interviews while I wasn't. Some here write that possible admits are requested for an interview while sure admits aren't bothered. I think I'm a competitive applicant, so I hope Harvard simply didn't contact me for an interview because they need no affirmation about my application, but I don't know. I'm kind of worried. Well, my stats follow; please tell me what you think:</p>
<p>Freshman at UC Berkeley, majoring in Physics and Math. GPA: 4.0.</p>
<p>Fall courses and grades:
A in Physics Honors Mechanics and Waves (honors version of the first of three intro lower division courses in the physics major)
A+ in Multivariable Calculus
A in Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
A in Italian Cinema</p>
<p>Spring courses (no grades yet):
Physics Honors Thermodynamics and Electricity and Magnetism (honors version of the second)
Honors Abstract Algebra
Real Analysis
Modern Hebrew Literature</p>
<p>SAT I: 760 Math, 760 Verbal, 690 Writing.
SAT II: 800 Math Level 2, 740 Chemistry.
AP: 5 Calc BC, 5 Calc AB.
IB: 7 Math HL, 6 Chem HL, 6 Comp Sci HL, 5 English HL, 7 Hebrew SL, 6 Physics SL.</p>
<p>High School GPA: 3.8 UW. (I can't remember what my weighted was. I think it was something like 4.6, or something.)</p>
<p>I've been taking part in research with faculty here since September. My recommendation letters came from the faculty with whom I was working and from my physics graduate student instructor (GSI) from Fall (I would have asked my physics professor instead of the GSI, but I had a lot more interaction with the GSI and I believe he is much more familiar with my capabilities and whatever it is a recommender should know about an applicant).</p>
<p>I also informed the universities to which I am applying that I have accepted a summer position in Columbia University's REU program in Nevis Labs (REU is the National Science Foundation's Research Experience for Undergraduates, a selective program). And, I informed them of my honoring on the Dean's List for being in the top 4% of my class in the College of Letters and Science in Berkeley.</p>
<p>In my statements, I talked about growing up in the middle east, about coming to the US at age 14, about the importance of diversity (in several forms, and not simply visual diversity) in a university, and about the importance of the small-class environment in university courses (in several different statements and not all these topics in one, of course). I can't be very specific without having you read my statements, but let me just say that I thought the statements were rather good, poignant, and to the point.</p>
<p>So, yeah, that's all I can think of that is relevant to my admission decision. If there is anything that would help you evaluate my chances, simply ask. The universities to which I am applying are, again, Harvard, MIT, Columbia, and Cornell. I am specifically worried about not having been contacted by Harvard for an interview. Do you think I was probably above the maybe-admit-should-be-interviewed-to-be-sure area in the applicant spectrum or below it, now that I know that I'm not in that area? I'm just so anxious. I really hope I make it.</p>
<p>Oh, also, beside chance evaluation, please feel free to share your transfer stories with these universities. Thank you!</p>