Transfer chances for NYU/BU/Syracuse

<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>I'm looking at applying as a junior for Fall 2005 to NYU (Stern business), Boston University (communications) and Syracuse (Newhouse communications). I was hoping someone could enlighten me a bit on what my chances could be, and give me some further info about the schools themselves. Also, if anyone knows any other good marketing/advertising schools I'd love some more input. Thanks all; here are my stats:</p>

<p>Currently at Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX.
Current 3.8 GPA this semester, 3.6 GPA cumulative.
Member of the Honors program, and various clubs; I won't pain you by listing them all here.</p>

<p>I'm just looking for a little sense of how difficult these schools would be for me to transfer into. All have around a 30% transfer acceptance rate. My top choice is definitely NYU; however, I've heard somewhere that in recent years 1700 transfer students were competing for only 3 spots in Stern. Anyways, I'd really appreciate any feedback/comments whatsoever. Thanks a lot everyone!</p>