<p>H.S - Aweful to say the least. got caught up in sports and my social life. ended with with a 2.6 gpa. never studied once for the SATs and therefore recieved a 1060. i did manage to take 3 business courses that my high school offered at got A-,A,A respectively.</p>
<p>College- 3.8 gpa after two years at Ithaca College. Business Administration major looking to go to Stern. I'm in a lot of clubs, a few leadership positions. I have many connections with professors that will give me excellent recommendations. Also I've been on the Crew team as well as the Baseball team. I've taken all the prerecs for the business major which includes the requirements for Stern.</p>
<p>Do any of you think a junior transfer is possible if I write superb essays accompanied by the stats that I have? or am I dreaming to big and I should stop letting this dominate my mind?</p>
<p>the average college gpa of transfers accepted to stern is A-(3.5) to A(3.75). the more college experience you have the less they focus on high school. your chances are decent/good in my opinion. i am trying to transfer to stern with a slightly lower college gpa, higher high school gpa, same range of SAT but i am trying to transfer as a sophmore. the SAT scores do not matter very much. they want to see how you have performed in college and it looks as though you have performed exceptionally well in comparison to your high school record. unfortunately the high school record is going to hurt you but your college is going to make up for most of it.</p>
<p>also, stern does have prerequisites but since you are a business major i am sure you have taken all the prerequisites. anyway, the prerequisites to transfer to stern are: macroeconomics, microeconomics, calculus (not business, has to be regular), financial accounting, and managerial accounting.</p>
<p>Who told you that 3.6- 3.75 is the average gpa for transfers to stern?!! I have spoken to the admissions officer at Stern in charge for INTERNAL TRANSFERS and he said that the average college gpa they usually accept is 3.8. If you are coming from a different university, now thats a different story- you need like a 4.0 to stand a chance. Ladies and Gentleman, Stern is no joke. We are talking Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merryll Lynch, and Morgan Stanley- these are some of Stern's top recruiters. You think these companies would waste their time on a b school who takes external transfer students with anything less than a 3.8?!</p>
<p>Stern is mean to other nyu students, but I know a lot of transfers from rutgers, RPI, etc. My logic is, a lot of people transfer out or want to because stern is a terrible terrible place. this makes transfer admissions easier than say…wharton</p>