Transfer Chances

<p>Hoping to get some of your thoughts regarding a good friends chances. He's hoping to transfer to UW next fall. Was originally postponed when he applied last year and ended up getting rejected. High school grades were ok, around 3.2 GPA and 27 ACT<br>
He is currently at a very good university in downtown Chicago. Grades were great this first semester, probably a 3.8 GPA Had a brother and sister that graduated recently from UW.
What do you think his chances are of transferring?</p>

<p>The average transfer GPA is 3.4, so anything in the 3.5+ range means you have a terrific chance provided the courses taken were of appropriate rigor (i.e. no basket weaving classes). Plus, your high school GPA and your ACT/SAT scores don’t matter at all (I didn’t even send my ACT score in when I applied to transfer). Aside from that, as long as he gets a couple of letters of recommendation he should be good to go.</p>

<p>Agree with Badger.</p>