<p>I’ll be honest with you. You’re going to have a better college experience at the University of Central Florida, because it has more of the college feel since it’s a large, public school. Before you make your decision, you need to carefully consider what you want out of your college experience. </p>
At Miami, you will have better academics with smaller classes and one on one interactions with your professor, while at UCF, you have to deal with online classes and examinations that are administered in computer labs.</p>
<p>Social Life:
You will have a better mix of kids at UCF just because it’s a public school and attracts a lot of down to earth, middle class people due to instate tuition and Florida scholarships. At Miami, you will have to deal with a much more superficial student body. I transferred from the University of Maryland last year, and I do not regret it, but it has taken me a while to get acquainted with the university and find my social niches. Also,UCF has more of that party-school feel, because all activities do not occur off campus and Orlando is a fairly more affordable town. Most of the students spend their weekends at Coconut Grove or South Beach at some of the most popular spots (Mansion, BED) which could be very expensive. At UCF, you have a lot of on campus activities, like parties in dorms and frat house parties. Miami fraternities do not allow non-brothers to their parties, which again explains the superficial environment.</p>
<p>Student Body:
The student body at the University of Miami is a sublime melting pot. We have students from all over the world. I have friends from India, Pakistan, South America, Spain, Asia, Europe and quite a few other places (Australia among others). University of Central Florida is mainly comprised of Florida residents due to instate tuition and scholarships (Florida Bright Futures). Miami is also filled with a lot of students from the tri-state area (NY, NJ, PA) as well as other regions (Mid-east; lot of Maryland and Virginians). However, it is much easier finding nicer people at UCF. Probably 1 out of every 10 students you meet in the day at Miami are worth your time, whereas at UCF it’s a 1 out of 5 retention rate.</p>
You will have a better chance of getting a higher paying job and have access to selective events such as summer internships, research, etc, at the University of Miami, due to their huge alumni base who donate much more than money. The Alumni own work and even own some of the most well-known and successful companies, and they love to pass on their guidance to the current students of UM. </p>
<p>In conclusion, I’m happy with my move, as a I’ve adjusted to the change of campuses. However, Miami is not a match for everyone, and people should definitely consider these pros and cons before committing to four years of their life.</p>