Transfer Chances


<p>I am looking to transfer from the University of Georgia to UMCP. I am rather concerned about this, though. I cannot stand another year at UGA. </p>

<p>I am a white, male, Maryland resident.
I went to a very good public high school and finished with seven AP classes, and nearly all the others being honors. They were AP US Government, AP US History, AP World History, AP Psychology, AP World History, AP European History and AP Literature. I passed all of the tests with a three or four.
I did graduate with an UW of 3.4 and a Weighted of 3.5. </p>

<p>My SAT score is 1890, with 730 CR, 560 M and 600 W.</p>

<p>I had good ECs, including NEHS, Drama Honors Society, Maryland Boys State, multiple school drama productions, local theatre competitions, a job I held for two summers and a few leadership camps.</p>

<p>I suppose the important part is my college stuff though. I am a tentative history major and finished first semester at UGA with a 3.21 GPA. I got:
Intro to Cinema- B
English Comp- B+
Freshman Seminar- A
Am History to 1865- B
Intro to Psych- B+</p>

<p>I know I repeated psych and US History from high school. I am hoping that doesn't hurt too much, though.</p>

<p>My ECs for college were less prodigious, though. I was a member of the Quidditch League there, a member of the Thalian Blackfriars and competed in a 24-hour play competition and got second place. </p>

<p>I will be taking 16 credit hours next semester, with Western Civ from 1500, Intro to Journalism, US Cultural Geography, Intro to Geology, Abnormal Psychology and a freshman seminar.</p>

<p>I can get a professor's recommendation, too, but I am unsure if that is necessary.</p>


<p>May I ask why you want to transfer from UGA? I was considering applying there, but in the end I didn’t. It seemed like a fun school. What don’t you like about it.</p>

<p>As for your chances, I have no idea about transfer admissions. But good luck!</p>

<p>Hi, I am a college student who lives in Maryland, but I go to school in PA. I have a 3.09 overall, 3.5 for the third semester so I made the Deens list. Also, I have 46 credits after my third semester at my college. I wish to transfer to UMD. I am a political science major. What are my chances for getting in for fall 2010?</p>

<p>Bump. :slight_smile: .</p>