<p>When i got accepted to to UCI and other UCs it says i must get this certain grade or better in the class in im right now. If i don't get that grade they say do you think they will take away my acceptance?</p>
<p>Yes, I think they will.</p>
<p>Whoa, I just read another of your posts. They actually specified that you have to get As?? Dear god, please don't let them do that to me.</p>
<p>Say i already send my SIR in and my grades come out middle of June so they can actually send me a letter saying since you didnt get A's you can no longer attend UCI? That would be horrible, because then its too late to get into any other UC, correct?</p>
<p>They won't rescind your admission but you may be put under probation.</p>
<p>Send more than one Sir to the other UC'S.</p>
<p>And by probation that means?</p>
<p>how do you review your provisional admission requirements?? Do you click where it says something like start admission process??</p>
<p>"Send more than one Sir to the other UC'S."</p>
<p>Uh, you can't do that. </p>
<p>They can revoke your admission if you don't meet the conditions. Your admission is only provisional until you meet the conditions (that applies before or after you file a SIR).</p>
<p>I heard if you keep B's, you will be fine.
Is that true?</p>
<p>So if i cant send more than one Sir and if my admission gets revoked then i have not school to go to?</p>
<p>"how do you review your provisional admission requirements?? Do you click where it says something like start admission process??"
On the left side it says transfer conditions, click that.</p>
<p>You can only submit ONE SIR. You can't say you are intending to register at multiple UCs.</p>
<p>The CONDITIONS of ADMISSION VARIES depending on the situation on each student. Don't overreach if you have to get A in a certain course while many others do not. </p>
<p>However, most students TYPICALLY have to pass all the planned and in-progress courses with a C or higher and keep the overal GPA of 2.8 or higher.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, we can only send SIR to ONLY ONE school.</p>
<p>you always have the option to cancel your SIR before the June 1st deadline.</p>
you always have the option to cancel your SIR before the June 1st deadline.
YOU ONLY FILE ONE SIR to ONE SCHOOL. You can't file a few and then cancel a few; that isn't how it works.</p>
<p>When you file ONE SIR, you can pretty much assume that you are rejecting all other UC offers of admission.</p>
<p>I AM EXTREMELY WORRIED.....i had a 3.9 gpa, all my classes were going well i was looking at maybe a 3.5 gpa, but now my anthro class i might be getting a D....im planning to go to uci......will they revoke me for a D on my last semester?.....WHAT DO I DO NOW.****</p>
<p>Do you need your Anthro class for IGETC or to reach the 60 unit minimum?</p>
<p>i think i need my anthro for IGETC but i after this semester i willl have like 75 units finished or something</p>