I attended Juilliard for two years and now I want to go to a UC but I’m unsure whether or not my liberal arts courses at Juilliard would transfer over for any credit. Do I still have to take the courses like English 1A at a CCC in order to complete the transfer agreement or is this course prerequisite already fulfilled?
For reference, the courses at Juilliard are named as follows: writing seminar; ethics: conscience and good life; society politics, and culture; citizenship, art, and politics
To get a general idea of whether your courses will transfer to UC, you can compare them to similar courses in a UC campus catalog or to a transfer course agreement (TCA) that UC has with any California community college. For TCAs, visit ASSIST.ORG. A formal evaluation of your transcript most likely will not take place until after you have applied.
You’ll still need to meet the same minimum admissions requirements as for California community college students, and plan to do as much preparation for your major as possible.
Did you keep your course syllabi which you can compare to the UC required courses and as stated above through assist.org website?
You could also contact one of the UC campus advisors and see if they are willing to evaluate your transcripts.
Are you a CA resident? You do realize that priority is given to CA CC transfers followed by UC to UC/CSU transfers, in-state private universities and finally out of state transfers.
I am a CA resident, and I do know about CCC transfer priority. I have already completed most of the prep courses from when I was in high school, and I have checked the TCAs for the majors I am looking into. I did not happen to keep the course syllabi as most of them were lost back when my dorm was shut down. Thank you for the reply, but I was wondering whether anyone had been in a similar situation to me and could offer quick and definitive replies.
UCB has this link unfortunately Juilliard is not listed. Perhaps you can find some similar courses/schools listed on this link: https://admissions.berkeley.edu/transfer-courses-by-institution
I do not think there is any quick and definitive information unless you can match the course description for the Juilliard classes vs. the UC descriptions. Again, I would recommend contacting UC admissions for a definitive answer.
Even if you do not have the course syllabus, the catalog description of the course may help you determine equivalency.
From your course titles, it looks like from https://catalog.juilliard.edu/content.php?catoid=43&navoid=4826 , your courses are LARTS 101, 102, 111, 112, 212.
From the descriptions, it looks like 101 and 102 are most likely to match up with English composition courses, but that is not assured in the absence of a pre-existing articulation agreement.
It looks like the other courses could transfer, but they may not match up to typical courses, due to their interdisciplinary mixture of philosophy, art, political science, religious studies, and other subjects. If you just need them for general education, then they may be more likely to be accepted as “a humanities course”, “a social science course”, etc. than as a specific course at a UC. But you won’t know until later.