im starting college soon at a comunity college to save money, but I know i wanna major in ES. I’ve been looking at UCs because they’re excellent, pretty, and cheap. I have done some research and each school has different requirements to ease transfer for that field, and I was wondering which one was the best so I could focus on meeting its requirements above the ohter ones.
UC Santa Barabara, Davis, and Berkeley are said to be some of the best, but I have heard mixed things. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
You can TAG to UCSB or UCD which if you meet all TAG requirements, would be guaranteed admission to either college. I would concentrate on meeting the TAG requirements and then if you are able to also fulfill UCB’s requirements, you should be set.
Thank you! I’ll do more research on this TAG thingy cause it sounds very helpful 
This link gives UC transfer GPA admit rates/ranges by campus and major but it will give you an idea of target GPA’s.
More TAG info:
I also moved your discussion to the UC Transfer forum if you have any more specific transfer questions.