<p>Hi, I am an international student studying at the University of Melbourne. I am enrolled in the Bachelor of Science course working towards a major in Computer Science.
I want to take a transfer to an american university. Unimelb is a pretty good university, so if I would want to take a transfer, then it would be to a university better than the one I currently am in.</p>
<p>But, I know nothing about the procedure of getting a transfer.
What all do I need?
Do I need to take the SATs?
How good do my grades in uni need to be?
Also, I am in my first semester and haven't even taken my first exams in the uni yet, so how long should I wait before trying for a transfer?
Do I need to take the TOEFL?
How easy or difficult is it to get transferred to a better university? </p>
<p>I know I asked too many questions but any help will be appreciated.
Thanks :)</p>