<p>I'm a bio major, and I wanna transfer from CAS to CALS. The language requirement is throwing a monkey wrench in my plans and it's just something I don't really want to deal with.</p>
<p>What's the likelihood I'll be granted a transfer from CAS to CALS without wanting to change my major?</p>
<p>I realize that I can't transfer until the end of next semester, but whether I continue my language or not depends on whether or not I'll likely get the transfer.</p>
<p>No shot, just buckle down and parlez vous francais…is it that tough?</p>
<p>Is the language requirement the only reason why you want to transfer from CAS to CALS? And how difficult are the language classes?</p>
<p>It’s not that it’s that bad… I have a B+ in it but it’s just taking up time. Haha. I’d rather take evolutionary bio next semester along with Chem and Cal 2 and whatnot, but it’s just making things more difficult than need be.</p>
<p>Why can’t you transfer until the end of next semester? Are you doing a direct transfer?</p>
<p>It says you cannot transfer to CALS until you’ve complete one year. </p>
<p>Maybe I can find a loophole way to get in and still be a Bio major, but I’ll more than likely just suffer through the langauge req. Only 2 more semesters anway.</p>
<p>Ok, so I have another transfer question.</p>
<p>I’ve been doing some research, and I’m certain I want to transfer to CALS. For 1, I want to get a minor in American Indian studies (I’m Native American, and would like to learn more about my culture, since I didn’t grow up exposed to much of it) and I’m thinking the Bio and Society major might be more interesting as far as exposing me to humanities, which I definitely want to, just find it kind of difficult to mix in premed requirements, AIS minor, bio major, and study abroad. </p>
<p>So how hard is it to get into Bio & Soc? I’ve got a number of really compelling reasons to put down on my transfer app, but I just wanna make sure it’s not like AEM or something impossible to get into.</p>
<p>Biology and Society has become significantly more competitive in (just my opinion) the last 2-3 years. It’s not as difficult as AEM, but it isn’t easy.</p>
<p>Bio and Society is an awesome major and is serving me well in med school. I would be happy to answer any questions regarding the major or transferring to CALS (since I did both